Is Easter Christian or Pagan? Just as Christmas, Easter is Pagan practice.
Why did Christianity accepted and adopted pagan practices? Was it for fear, or was it because Christianity itself was baseless?
After all, Jesus ... read full comment
Is Easter Christian or Pagan? Just as Christmas, Easter is Pagan practice.
Why did Christianity accepted and adopted pagan practices? Was it for fear, or was it because Christianity itself was baseless?
After all, Jesus was not born on December 25. We are all aware of that; but why are we stuck to pagan practice?
In fact, if God destroyed Sodom and Gomora for practising the same sexism, why are churches acknowledging and even making these abominable people pastors and priests in churches?
Ah, Christianity is something else. You better accept Islam and see, practise, and enjoy the truth. Islam is the only non-Christian religion that acknowledges Jesus. Judaism does not acknowledge Jesus, let alone the pagans.
May Allah Guide the sheep onto the Straight path; Amen.
Alhaji Alhaji 11 years ago
hei, hei, hei what are you saying, comparing islam to Christianity?
Please study the Bible very well and you will understand what Christianity is.
Study the New Testament very very well and you will know what is Christi ... read full comment
hei, hei, hei what are you saying, comparing islam to Christianity?
Please study the Bible very well and you will understand what Christianity is.
Study the New Testament very very well and you will know what is Christianity is.
The name of the Church Christ Jesus through his Apostles built is in the new testament, the objectives and practices are in the New Testament, so what is your question???????
Now lets come to that your soooo called Islam and that fake Prophet Mohammed.
Is Mohammed a true Prophet of God? the answer is No, no, no.
why? because mohammed did rape and married his son's wife.
The true God and Holy God of Abramham, Isaac, Israel, Moses, Jesus, Paul and me hates fornication and adultery.
The seventh of the Ten cammandents, God says "THOU SHALL NOT COMMITT ADULTERY".
Mohammed did committ adultery and fornication, he cann't be a prophet of God.
Mohammed married his adoptive son's wife and his niece. God Said" Thou shall not covert thy neighbours property, he took his son's wife, he has converted, he cann't be a prophet of God.
He married his Neice, God has forbidden marrying to Blood relations, he cann't be a prophet.
Mohammed kills, God said "thou shalt not Kill" he cann't be a prophet of the true God.
Did mohammed repent from all his sinns? no, no, he didn't repent so he died in his sinns, he is a sinner more that me and you.
How can a sinner who didn't repent bring out a good religion?
Is it the Holy God's Angel that met mohammed in the cave? the answer is no, no, no. It was the devil called Satan.
In short mohammed and Islam are all fake and they belong to Satan.
Ama 11 years ago
We forgive even this gang of thieves and insulting Ministers ruling Ghana at the moment.
We forgive even this gang of thieves and insulting Ministers ruling Ghana at the moment.
Ama 11 years ago
Whatever it is-Pagan, sun or hindusim- Chistians have taken those periods to commemorate the birth and death + resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.Just as you can set a day in ayear to celebrate your hometown festival, Chir ... read full comment
Whatever it is-Pagan, sun or hindusim- Chistians have taken those periods to commemorate the birth and death + resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.Just as you can set a day in ayear to celebrate your hometown festival, Chirstians have also adopted those periods relation to pagan or whaterver is neither here nor there.
Is Easter Christian or Pagan? Just as Christmas, Easter is Pagan practice.
Why did Christianity accepted and adopted pagan practices? Was it for fear, or was it because Christianity itself was baseless?
After all, Jesus ...
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hei, hei, hei what are you saying, comparing islam to Christianity?
Please study the Bible very well and you will understand what Christianity is.
Study the New Testament very very well and you will know what is Christi ...
read full comment
We forgive even this gang of thieves and insulting Ministers ruling Ghana at the moment.
Whatever it is-Pagan, sun or hindusim- Chistians have taken those periods to commemorate the birth and death + resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.Just as you can set a day in ayear to celebrate your hometown festival, Chir ...
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