I am itching to see Sir John is shivering before Justice Atuguba. Not knowing this loud mouthed idiot is such a COWARD!!!!
I am itching to see Sir John is shivering before Justice Atuguba. Not knowing this loud mouthed idiot is such a COWARD!!!!
The 11 years ago
Derrick Adjei spur us your useless consel, this not propaganda or serial caller matter, for that is the only thing you and and other so called NDC communicaters are good at.
Derrick Adjei spur us your useless consel, this not propaganda or serial caller matter, for that is the only thing you and and other so called NDC communicaters are good at.
OLD SOLDIER 11 years ago
Author: Gye Nyame...
This is the way the administration flows, they are only apologizing because the 91 year old decided that she was not going to take it lying down, other wise they would have rolled over her and done the c ... read full comment
Author: Gye Nyame...
This is the way the administration flows, they are only apologizing because the 91 year old decided that she was not going to take it lying down, other wise they would have rolled over her and done the change. Shame on Vanderpuije and the whole administration. You did it to Ohene Djan and now to this sweet old lady. Hurray to Theodosia for standing up and speaking up.
Ghanaians should take a cue from this old lady and protest the evil, corruption, and hardships in the society. BRAVO Theodosia!!!!!!
krikri 11 years ago
Anane 11 years ago
Did he pass his law exams at all? His pronoucements and behaviour does not show a lawyer who has any ethics.
Did he pass his law exams at all? His pronoucements and behaviour does not show a lawyer who has any ethics.
WILLIAM 11 years ago
remember your week-end LITTLE LAWYER attempt to turn the vote upside down in 2008/9?
remember your week-end LITTLE LAWYER attempt to turn the vote upside down in 2008/9?
Lawless country 11 years ago
We've been wondering who you were and have conducted an underground investigation as to who you are for sometime now. Technology is super, you live at.........and work at the ministries. Most of your comments are written from ... read full comment
We've been wondering who you were and have conducted an underground investigation as to who you are for sometime now. Technology is super, you live at.........and work at the ministries. Most of your comments are written from these two places. We are trailing you now.
Lawless country 11 years ago
Love this technology it worked perfectly
Love this technology it worked perfectly
insight to the bone 11 years ago
No matter what the ndc and their agent provocateurs say the fact remains the country can never move forward if the majority are marginalized and excluded from truly being represented as is the the case today. after killing mi ... read full comment
No matter what the ndc and their agent provocateurs say the fact remains the country can never move forward if the majority are marginalized and excluded from truly being represented as is the the case today. after killing mills these criminals have used ideology , propaganda , election trickery and engineering leading up to rigging of the vote with the help of the heavily politicized national security . anyone who dares cry foul is persecuted by the police and lately the judiciary . we now have a govt lopsided in favor of minorities such as the ayigbe and muslim northerners , this act alone proves none of them ever believed in ghana talk less of equal opportunity for all citizens irrespective of their background. we have no choice but to recognize these facts and do what is necessary to stop the process of colonization by these misfits . the divisions among us are so great its now evident to all its only a matter when this will lead to conflict and war. they think because they control the judiciary , nation security and other institutions of oppression that they are safe but i will remind them that's what the communists in Romania , Saddam in Iraq , Gaddafi in Libya and even the British imperialists thought. the Lord is on our side and we shall soon have our freedom . the economy is going backwards , even their own people dont believe in prosperity so are hurriedly pillaging the coffers , corruption of such magnitude that they dont even bother investigating or trying to rectify these crimes in short a mess which is skydiving into a disastrous catastrophe just as Sodom and Gomorrah were until fire erased them . pepeni at the drop of a hat runs to the most ridiculous of meetings just so he may not be caught in the country when things explode . they persecute the npp but dont realise its a different kind of leader that is born in times of war and those leaders a waiting patiently for the clarion call , long live the republic of Akan . to all those who wish and pray for the de Akanization of Ghana i say may you all be burned alive
Aponkye 11 years ago
We must all doff our hats to Atuguba for bringing the madness that was engulfing the country under control. Verbal diarrhoea was tearing the country apart. Now even Sir John is so frightened of Atuguba that he is vehemently d ... read full comment
We must all doff our hats to Atuguba for bringing the madness that was engulfing the country under control. Verbal diarrhoea was tearing the country apart. Now even Sir John is so frightened of Atuguba that he is vehemently denying his own voice and has gone into hiding so that they can't serve him the summons. But if he is a man he should refuse to go to SC on Wednesday on the pretext that he has not been served!
k.dompreh 11 years ago
My friend,if you will be sincere with yourself there will never be peace after the verdict when your hero Atuguba is so biased to the extent that it is obvious for everyone to see.mahama said the truth is on his side and he k ... read full comment
My friend,if you will be sincere with yourself there will never be peace after the verdict when your hero Atuguba is so biased to the extent that it is obvious for everyone to see.mahama said the truth is on his side and he knows the supreme court will just do that.Other Ndc ppl have said a lot.Just to name a few like Anita de soso,owula mangotey.If sc wants to be fair he should call any other person for contempt of court including Bernard Mornah.
Kodjo 11 years ago
Dompreh did you listen to what Sir John said? If you had you wouldn't speak the way you do
Dompreh did you listen to what Sir John said? If you had you wouldn't speak the way you do
Sammy awuku 11 years ago
k.domprey you call your name you are a big fool
k.domprey you call your name you are a big fool
JIM CROW 11 years ago
Nzema K 11 years ago
As if you are reading smoothly then all of a sudden some "abokyi" English wipes all the good stuff away. You cant even get what Attah Kyia really said in response. Proof reading oooooo kom Ghana journalist...
As if you are reading smoothly then all of a sudden some "abokyi" English wipes all the good stuff away. You cant even get what Attah Kyia really said in response. Proof reading oooooo kom Ghana journalist...
ABBAS 11 years ago
Atta-Akyea, you can be serious lawyer but inexperience with the law, you mess up with ken's case and also mess up with Abu Ramadan case, the way you were raised as pundit by the npp and per your show in the supreme court show ... read full comment
Atta-Akyea, you can be serious lawyer but inexperience with the law, you mess up with ken's case and also mess up with Abu Ramadan case, the way you were raised as pundit by the npp and per your show in the supreme court shows that you know nothing, again you know nothing
Kofi Ata, Cambridge, UK 11 years ago
Honourable Atta-Akyea, from your cases that received massive media coverage, you are yet to persuade some of us that you are a good defence attorney. I am not sure when you say you are a very serious lawyer, it means you are ... read full comment
Honourable Atta-Akyea, from your cases that received massive media coverage, you are yet to persuade some of us that you are a good defence attorney. I am not sure when you say you are a very serious lawyer, it means you are a very good lawyer. Let me give you an example of why I say you must prove yourself to be a good defence attorney.
In the Ya-Na trial, you won not because you did a good job but because the Judge erred by concluding that there could be no murder without a body (see my article entitled "Corpus delicti", The Ya-Na Murder Trial, Did the Judge Err?" which appeared on Ghanaweb on April 7, 2011. Again, you won because the prosecution did a poor job and finally, because it was a political trial that the ruling government arrested only accusers from one side without any proper investigations but put them on trial. As a result the Judge had no option but to find them not guilty. That victory should not make you a good lawyer.
You know you messed up big time at the two Supreme Court appearances so just do not brag. I suspect in Ghana some lawyers in collusion with some judges to rule in their favour but not because such layers are good. In the Ya-Na case, I am not a lawyer but I could have won the case against the state because state prosecution did not know their left from right.
Seth 11 years ago
I do not have details of what actually ensued in the Court room, and therefore make this comment in the context of this article. The writer's point of view carries the inherent theme of african culture where one is expected t ... read full comment
I do not have details of what actually ensued in the Court room, and therefore make this comment in the context of this article. The writer's point of view carries the inherent theme of african culture where one is expected to beg for something even though s/he may be entitled to it. Many times, people in authority are intolerant to people's views thereby assuming the position of subordinates to defend their actions as insolence. Why should he 'beg' the court whilst he was in court to argue the client's action was right?
dennis awah 11 years ago
Seth, showing remorse is a universal legal concept from the USA to Ghana. this is not African or European or whatever. it is a universal concept that when you do wrong or are charged with wrongdoing you can honestly reflect o ... read full comment
Seth, showing remorse is a universal legal concept from the USA to Ghana. this is not African or European or whatever. it is a universal concept that when you do wrong or are charged with wrongdoing you can honestly reflect on your action and offer truthful reparations for your actions. even little children are taught to say " I am sorry". so come again seth. if atta akyea's point is that he was there to argue his clients action was right how come he ended up screaming repeatedly that his client was confused and a layman??
Seth 11 years ago
Dennis, Ghana's infant(or teenage if you want) constitution has some alarming issues that are pending time to either explode or be confirm as proper. You must understand that there is currently contentious debate surrounding ... read full comment
Dennis, Ghana's infant(or teenage if you want) constitution has some alarming issues that are pending time to either explode or be confirm as proper. You must understand that there is currently contentious debate surrounding this whole 'contempt of court' powers being excercised by the SC judges. Are the judges applying the contempt of court powers correctly to the extent prescribed in the constitution or they themselves have faulted with the use of it? Or are there flaws in the contempt of court powers as prescribed in the constitution? Look, these are the issues we are finding answers for, therefore the counsel may not 'beg' or be remorseful as you claim where the judges themselves cannot come clear with charges in the right context of the powers in their hands. I hope you understand this.
PK 11 years ago
Kofi, you claim that Atta Akyea is suggesting here that he is a good lawyer. You then cite his role as a defence attorney in the Ya-Na trial as an example of why he is not. First, the man only said he is a serious lawyer, and ... read full comment
Kofi, you claim that Atta Akyea is suggesting here that he is a good lawyer. You then cite his role as a defence attorney in the Ya-Na trial as an example of why he is not. First, the man only said he is a serious lawyer, and until he provides clarification as to what he meant, "serious" can never, ipso facto, be taken to mean "good"! Second, he never cited the Ya-Na case as an example of why he is a serious lawyer. Third, if Atta Akyea is such a bad lawyer, then the NDC lawyers that pushed for the Ya-Na trial must be really worse to have lost a case against such a bad lawyer. In effect, Kofi Ata, ever at his pseudo-intellectual best, sets up a straw argument and debates with himself!
Kofi Ata, Cambridge, UK 11 years ago
PK, I posed the question whether being a very serious lawyer meant a good lawyer but did not answer. However, from the previous news reports on his performance before the SC, it appears he is trying to say that people have be ... read full comment
PK, I posed the question whether being a very serious lawyer meant a good lawyer but did not answer. However, from the previous news reports on his performance before the SC, it appears he is trying to say that people have been unfair to him by saying that he is a bad lawyer. I will not be wrong to infer from that he meant a good lawyer because most of his critics claimed he was a bad lawyer. There is nothing wrong for me to draw that inference.
I never said he made mention of the Ya-Na case. I concluded that from what I have read from the media regarding cases he handled, he is not a good lawyer and followed that up to give examples to support my conclusion. Of course, those who represented the state in the Ya-Na case are worse and I did indicate that in my post. Are these what refer to as pseudo-intellectual? Can you be honest with yourself and apply your analytical skills effectively and put alternative views rather than just finding fault with me, fault that exist in your prejudiced mind. Have a nice day.
PK 11 years ago
Kofi, I'll accept your challenge and put forward an alternative perspective. I was equally disappointed with the way Atta Akyea defended his client in the contempt case, but hardly for the reasons you and others cite. In fact ... read full comment
Kofi, I'll accept your challenge and put forward an alternative perspective. I was equally disappointed with the way Atta Akyea defended his client in the contempt case, but hardly for the reasons you and others cite. In fact, I was shocked by the behaviour of the Supreme Court Justices, who expected the alleged contemnors to come grovelling rather than allowing them to explain and defend their comments. Indeed, while it's in the bosom of the Justices to free or to punish, to impede an accused from offering a defence, which is what the heckling from the Justices amounted to, was a grave affront to natural justice.
Based on the attitude of the Justices, Atta Akyea and his client had one of two options. Either grovel as expected by the mood of the court or forcefully argue for the contemnor's right to defend himself to be respected by the court. Unfortunately, Atta Akyea not only vacillated between the two positions, but he also seemed to lack both the skill and gravitas to confront the Justices. On this score, I'd rather suggest that Atta Akyea may be inexperienced in advocating before, or handling, Supreme Court Justices. Mind you, we're told by the lawyers that arguing cases in the lower courts is a completely different ball game. I think suggesting that the guy is a bad lawyer, as you do, quite overstretches it!
Paul Amuna 11 years ago
PK, You tell me how one can be a full, active constituency member of parliament and at the same time maintain an active law practice. Even under normal circumstances, this is odd, ridiculous and such a person should not be ta ... read full comment
PK, You tell me how one can be a full, active constituency member of parliament and at the same time maintain an active law practice. Even under normal circumstances, this is odd, ridiculous and such a person should not be taken seriously.
In Akyea's case, on his recent showing in court representing the notorious Kuranchie, he was clearly not prepared, had completely misread the mood of the country, the case and the court, and thought he could 'play politics' with the case. He did not show any respect to the highest court of the land on the case. His performance in law was abysmal to say the least, and he was even worse than his client in my view.
How can anybody take such an individual as a serious lawyer? Why are you trying to defend the person when the facts are that he cannot be a serious enough lawyer to be doing two major jobs at the same time. Unless you tell me he only appears in parliament to collect the money and eat his free lunch at the expense of tax payers, and spends the time in his office at parliament going through his law cases.
If indeed the man is using parliamentary office space and tax payer's money to do his own private legal work, then that is against the law and he must be held to account and in my opinion all lawyers engaged in that act must be given the choice either to serve their constituents or leave parliament and become "serious lawyers". Don't you think?
PK 11 years ago
Any member of parliament who is also a lawyer cannot be said to be serious lawyer. Thus says Paul Amuna, a pupil of the NDC Propaganda School of Logic! But, Mr. Amuna, just so you know how silly your logic sounds, you're actu ... read full comment
Any member of parliament who is also a lawyer cannot be said to be serious lawyer. Thus says Paul Amuna, a pupil of the NDC Propaganda School of Logic! But, Mr. Amuna, just so you know how silly your logic sounds, you're actually saying that any professional- lawyer, accountant, academic, etc- who becomes a member of parliament ceases forthwith to be a serious professional. Incidentally, we have a deputy A-G, who is a very "unserious" state attorney; for, he too is a member of parliament!
Kofi Ata, Cambridge, UK 11 years ago
PK, are you not too quick to judge? I did Logic as part of undergraduate studies. To conclude from what Paul said that any MP who is a lawyer cannot be said to be serious or any professional MP must cease forthwith to be a se ... read full comment
PK, are you not too quick to judge? I did Logic as part of undergraduate studies. To conclude from what Paul said that any MP who is a lawyer cannot be said to be serious or any professional MP must cease forthwith to be a serious (practising) professional is known in Logic as Fallacy of Hasty Conclusion. It does not follow and I do not believe that you can make those conclusions from Paul's comment. This is the type of a statement we can conclude that there is insufficient information to come to your conclusions.
I think what Paul was trying to say is that to be a full-time MP and also take on cases to the highest court of the land is a bit questionable because in any serious MP combining the two as jobs is not easy, especially representation in courts. I know MPs in Britain who still do some work as lawyers outside parliament but they hardly go to court. Instead, they limit their practice to giving legal advice and hardly get the time to represent client in court let alone the SC here. I guess Ghana is different and therefore anything is possible because sometimes I read that there was no or insufficient business in parliament so MPs just go home. So perhaps Atta-Akyea could be a full time MP and also carry on his private practice without any difficulty in Ghana.
There is a difference between a minister (AG) who is also an MP. They are allowed to be absent from parliament for their ministerial duties. Remember, British Prime Ministers are MPs representing their constituencies and yet they hold one of the most demanding jobs in government.
PK 11 years ago
And are you not aware, Kofi, that, following request and permission, non-ministerial MPs may be permitted by the standing orders of parliament to absent themselves even for "personal" duties?
I really don't like getting in ... read full comment
And are you not aware, Kofi, that, following request and permission, non-ministerial MPs may be permitted by the standing orders of parliament to absent themselves even for "personal" duties?
I really don't like getting into who studied what. But I not only studied Logic at the early stages of my education, but also Rhetoric as part of my grad school education. I'd suggest you break Paul's argument into a simple structure of Aristotelian syllogism and see how quickly the whole thing falls apart.
And, Yes, Paul's reference to MPs was context-specific- Ghanaian MPs. Your argument must be properly situated. Good night!
Paul Amuna 11 years ago
You are speaking absolute clap trap!! You cannot defend your argument I'm afraid. "Excusing themselves for personal duties"? what are these "personal duties? You mean to say people will use parliamentary time for personal bus ... read full comment
You are speaking absolute clap trap!! You cannot defend your argument I'm afraid. "Excusing themselves for personal duties"? what are these "personal duties? You mean to say people will use parliamentary time for personal business? The only logical personal duties one can think of here are CONSTITUENCY MATTERS which are within the responsibilities of parliamentarians.
Since you are such a good student of "logic", let's go back to Kofi's point - certain serving MPs who also hold ministerial and other portfolios are allowed time away from parliament to enable them discharge those extra duties. You ask any minister and they will tell you how hard it is. What I find is that in many cases, such ministers hire very good constituency secretaries who carry out their day to day constituency duties whilst in parliament, they are allocated PARLIAMENTARY PRIVATE SECRETARIES (or assistants) who themselves are usually if you like 'junior MPs.
You seem so full of yourself and want to display your understanding of parliamentary affairs and to create the impression others don't.
Perhaps in Ghana, MP:s have little to do as Kofi has stated but in the UK, they sit into the late hours (usually leaving the House after 10 pm). Sometimes they have to stay on for voting etc. and the Whips ensure that nobody escapes otherwise they can get into trouble. Perhaps the level if indiscipline and lack of understanding of their true and proper role as MPs makes Ghanaians parliamnetarians to get away with a lot.
For you to seem to suggest that that kind of behavior is OK by implication defies simple logic. If an MP would use his parliamentary time to excuse himself not to go and work for his constituents, but to go and actively engage in another trade - law practice in the way we are discussing here, then this is serious for our democracy.
I would also support kofi's point that whilst there may be nothing wrong with people continuing in the role as lawyers, usually one would expect them to act in advisory capacities, but not to go and represent clients in court, which is essentially "actively engaging fully in another profession" when they are supposed to be in the House doing parliamentary business. What is so difficult in this for you to understand and what is illogical about these arguments.
Stop blindly defending others just because they happen to be on your side of the political divide. I do not belong to any side of the political divide but if you see me criticising people from your side, it is purely because they deserve my criticism. Pure and simple logic. Got it now?
Paul Amuna 11 years ago
First of all if you wish to address me by title, perhaps you would care to add the correct title which a Dr, not Mr, not that I care about titles,
Secondly, you talk about "NDC propaganda logic" but I suspect you are actin ... read full comment
First of all if you wish to address me by title, perhaps you would care to add the correct title which a Dr, not Mr, not that I care about titles,
Secondly, you talk about "NDC propaganda logic" but I suspect you are acting on the adrenalin of NPP propaganda bull shit (excuse my Latin). My comments are neither for or on behalf of anyone but myself.
I say it here again. I cannot see how a serving member of parliament with a full parliamentary load can be a "serious lawyer" if "serious" means he is an efficient, active practising advocate. You may disagree but you cannot convince me otherwise.
This has nothing to do with NDC/NPP/politics, it is to do with the individual's ability to perform the two functions properly and efficiently concurrently.
cut the crap will you? Let's leave "logic" aside and think about commonsense and practicalities. Akyea cannot be a serious lawyer IF he continues to try to joggle these two large balls', period. Take it or leave it but don't tell me my comments have anything to do with NDC - that is nonsense of the highest order.
Kofi Ata, Cambridge, UK 11 years ago
PK, you are now being objective and that is what we should do on this forum (debate issues and not only criticise views we do not share). My criticism of Atta-Akyea's performance at the first SC appearance was the fact that, ... read full comment
PK, you are now being objective and that is what we should do on this forum (debate issues and not only criticise views we do not share). My criticism of Atta-Akyea's performance at the first SC appearance was the fact that, he appeared unprepared and changed his strategy and in doing so let down his client. I was actually impressed with the initial attempt to put up a defence because in my view, what happened that day was wrong. Ken Atubiga and Awuku did not receive a fir trial.
What the SC is doing in my view is abuse of judicial powers. For example, if the contents of the summons to Sir John and the other guy as reported by the media is accurate, then it's very sad. Why? Because, the two have already been found guilty without any trial and even sentenced to prison jail in advance. They are being asked to explain why they should not go jail. That should not happen in a democratic society where the rule of law should be the order of the day. If they have committed the crime of contempt of court then they should be tried at a lower court. That is my view.
The reason why Hon Atta-Akyea failed at his second appearance at the SC was that, he did not know that his client could not seek a review of a matter that he was not a party to. I am not a lawyer but I know that a review at the SC is more or less another form of an appeal. How can one go to court for an appeal when as appellant, s/he was neither the accused or the defendant in the original case? That is why I say he is a bad lawyer.
His reason for the review as even bizarre. He argued that because the Constitution allowed any citizen to bring a presidential petition at the SC, it should follow that any citizen should also be able to seek a review on matters relating to presidential petitions. That was illogical because it's tantamount to saying that the three petitioners or the three respondents losing the current petition and deciding that they will accept the decision of SC but any citizen (neither one of the original petitioners or respondents)can then go to the SC and seek a review. That is no, no,no. It would be chaos in Ghana if that was what Constitution meant. Only the three petitioners and three respondents can go the the SC to seek a review. Equally, if the three petitioners did not petition the SC but a citizen did that on his/her own behalf then the three petitioners could not seek a review at the SC decision but only that citizen could.
Paul Amuna 11 years ago
PK, interestingly, Kofi and I disagree on the issue of the punishment meted out to Ken, Awuku and Atubiga but we have never made such a meal of it. Whereas I stil maintain that the SC justices were within their rights to act ... read full comment
PK, interestingly, Kofi and I disagree on the issue of the punishment meted out to Ken, Awuku and Atubiga but we have never made such a meal of it. Whereas I stil maintain that the SC justices were within their rights to act as they did, Kofi's argument is that they should have had a "proper and full trial at a lower court". He makes some sound arguments to support his case which I appreciate but do not share.
My own view is that just as in a lower court, anyone in contempt of that court can be sumarily penalised by that court (and Kofi, you and I know in a lot of cases, people may be fined. but occasionally, people are taken away and put behind bars) I want to believe the SC in this case was operating along a similar principle.
Being someone who works in the legal domain, I have no doubt Kofi has researched the topic further and is very convinced that the judges went too far. We simply agree to disagree, and no doubt will revisit the subject at a future time.
But people like you PK who simply come to this forum to take serious issue with people whose opinions differ from yours act illogically if you ask me. Let us debate issues like educated folk and stop that childish nonsense shall we?
Concerned 11 years ago
When you are approaching a voodoo deity, there are some protocols you must follow. Atta Akyea made the mistake of defending Ken Kuranchie with legal arguments rather than going on his knees and pacifying the deities in the su ... read full comment
When you are approaching a voodoo deity, there are some protocols you must follow. Atta Akyea made the mistake of defending Ken Kuranchie with legal arguments rather than going on his knees and pacifying the deities in the supreme court.Sir John should go with Kweku Bonsam
k. dompreh 11 years ago
The only language that the supreme court of Ghana understands with regards to being a contemnor of this election petition is TO PLEAD FOR FORGIVENESS even if you have the best lawyer in the world.You are guilty as charged.
The only language that the supreme court of Ghana understands with regards to being a contemnor of this election petition is TO PLEAD FOR FORGIVENESS even if you have the best lawyer in the world.You are guilty as charged.
Iddisah-- Lekpe 11 years ago
Indeed you are really a slaughter house lawyer, Get lost
Indeed you are really a slaughter house lawyer, Get lost
Abongo 11 years ago
Shut up, Radio Station Lawyer
Shut up, Radio Station Lawyer
lagfor 11 years ago
ataa akyea, I beg to differ with your being a serious lawyer.gold scams stealing clients moneys, dumping of dead bodies,planning evil, conniving with chief justice to manipulate the judiciary etc. JUDGEMENT IS WAITING FOR YOU ... read full comment
ataa akyea, I beg to differ with your being a serious lawyer.gold scams stealing clients moneys, dumping of dead bodies,planning evil, conniving with chief justice to manipulate the judiciary etc. JUDGEMENT IS WAITING FOR YOU.
kusi 11 years ago
att a just shut up another cocoa asee shii ahii radio station lawyer full of wicked in his mind.
att a just shut up another cocoa asee shii ahii radio station lawyer full of wicked in his mind.
USA 11 years ago
I serious lawyer INDEED by seriously and belligerently defrauding his unsuspecting contractor client. A slimy snake in a black-gown.
I serious lawyer INDEED by seriously and belligerently defrauding his unsuspecting contractor client. A slimy snake in a black-gown.
USA 11 years ago
A serious lawyer INDEED by belligerently defrauding your unsuspecting contractor client- A slimy snake in a black-gown.
A serious lawyer INDEED by belligerently defrauding your unsuspecting contractor client- A slimy snake in a black-gown.
Paul Amuna 11 years ago
How can you be an active serving member of parliament and claim to be a "serious lawyer" at the same time? Clearly something has to give, and it seems to me you are poor at both, because you cannot simply actively serve your ... read full comment
How can you be an active serving member of parliament and claim to be a "serious lawyer" at the same time? Clearly something has to give, and it seems to me you are poor at both, because you cannot simply actively serve your constituents and the state and at the same time maintain an active law practice.
I find it curious that in Ghana, lawyers campaign to enter parliament to use it as leverage to some political and class advantages whilst trying to "practice" law. How can you reasonably carry out two such two highly demanding jobs at the same time.
And he wants us to take him seriously? It was clear he had not done his homework well when he last appeared in court to defend someone, and made a mockery of himself. How can we take you seriously Mr Akyea? You have failed the "Honorable" test too!!
nkwantabesa 11 years ago
atta -akyea this is not true. I don't see you as a serious lawyer. you are just a politician wearing the attire and lenses of an elephant. a serious lawyer will not behave the way you behave. a serious lawyer won't go to cour ... read full comment
atta -akyea this is not true. I don't see you as a serious lawyer. you are just a politician wearing the attire and lenses of an elephant. a serious lawyer will not behave the way you behave. a serious lawyer won't go to court on a public holiday and tried to subvert the will of the people because of the Lilliputian, his cousin. a serious lawyer wont connive with other people to take dead bodies from the mortuary, convey them to the volta region and dump them to look as if the ndc killed supporters of the elephant family. even your expression in English language is very bad. your of speaking of the English language is not different from a typical Ashanti trying to express herself or himself in English language all 'Rs' are pronounced like the 'Ls' for instance, when 'brother' or restaurant sound like blother and 'lestaurant'. I believe you are one those so called lawyers who were trained in the chambers of the Lilliputian. I now understand why most you characters rushed to the court to try to prevent what justice kpegah is trying to do to expose the Lilliputian that he was not a qualified lawyer but using the name of a dead man whose name tallies with his name. they know that if kpegah proves his case, then they will all lose their titles as lawyers and made to face actions from clients who used them as their lawyers and lost their cases in court. Time will tell!
Miliki 11 years ago
Atta Akyea,you are not only a stupid lawyer but a hopeless idiot!Which lawyer is not serious after collecting money from a client to prevent him from jail?So, you must be a result oriented lawyer.
Atta Akyea,you are not only a stupid lawyer but a hopeless idiot!Which lawyer is not serious after collecting money from a client to prevent him from jail?So, you must be a result oriented lawyer.
ap-etor 11 years ago
ataa akyea should be ashamed of the way he put up kuranchies case.he says hes a serious lawyer.every lawyer is suppose to be serious so i dont think he is not extraordinary among lawyers.he shouldnt be too known.we know of be ... read full comment
ataa akyea should be ashamed of the way he put up kuranchies case.he says hes a serious lawyer.every lawyer is suppose to be serious so i dont think he is not extraordinary among lawyers.he shouldnt be too known.we know of better lawyers who always lie low.
boobuoo 11 years ago
But how did you go to court to defend a client and just "went there to "totopaapaaso" for your client to be jailed for 10 days like that?
But how did you go to court to defend a client and just "went there to "totopaapaaso" for your client to be jailed for 10 days like that?
AKYEA THE THIEF 11 years ago
A lawyer who steals from his client is no serious lawyer. You are a liar, not a lawyer.
A lawyer who steals from his client is no serious lawyer. You are a liar, not a lawyer.
nii 11 years ago
before I thought lawyers were all round intellectually,but through this petition , I have learnt otherwise.
before I thought lawyers were all round intellectually,but through this petition , I have learnt otherwise.
nyamekye 10 years ago
When we are to nominate an all round lawyer Atta Akyea is first pass the post.He understands judges are not gods to inflict their vents on those they are to execute justice to. THEY are not despots to imprison those who will ... read full comment
When we are to nominate an all round lawyer Atta Akyea is first pass the post.He understands judges are not gods to inflict their vents on those they are to execute justice to. THEY are not despots to imprison those who will not grease their palms or lick their feet.
I am itching to see Sir John is shivering before Justice Atuguba. Not knowing this loud mouthed idiot is such a COWARD!!!!
Derrick Adjei spur us your useless consel, this not propaganda or serial caller matter, for that is the only thing you and and other so called NDC communicaters are good at.
Author: Gye Nyame...
This is the way the administration flows, they are only apologizing because the 91 year old decided that she was not going to take it lying down, other wise they would have rolled over her and done the c ...
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Did he pass his law exams at all? His pronoucements and behaviour does not show a lawyer who has any ethics.
remember your week-end LITTLE LAWYER attempt to turn the vote upside down in 2008/9?
We've been wondering who you were and have conducted an underground investigation as to who you are for sometime now. Technology is super, you live at.........and work at the ministries. Most of your comments are written from ...
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Love this technology it worked perfectly
No matter what the ndc and their agent provocateurs say the fact remains the country can never move forward if the majority are marginalized and excluded from truly being represented as is the the case today. after killing mi ...
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We must all doff our hats to Atuguba for bringing the madness that was engulfing the country under control. Verbal diarrhoea was tearing the country apart. Now even Sir John is so frightened of Atuguba that he is vehemently d ...
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My friend,if you will be sincere with yourself there will never be peace after the verdict when your hero Atuguba is so biased to the extent that it is obvious for everyone to see.mahama said the truth is on his side and he k ...
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Dompreh did you listen to what Sir John said? If you had you wouldn't speak the way you do
k.domprey you call your name you are a big fool
As if you are reading smoothly then all of a sudden some "abokyi" English wipes all the good stuff away. You cant even get what Attah Kyia really said in response. Proof reading oooooo kom Ghana journalist...
Atta-Akyea, you can be serious lawyer but inexperience with the law, you mess up with ken's case and also mess up with Abu Ramadan case, the way you were raised as pundit by the npp and per your show in the supreme court show ...
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Honourable Atta-Akyea, from your cases that received massive media coverage, you are yet to persuade some of us that you are a good defence attorney. I am not sure when you say you are a very serious lawyer, it means you are ...
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I do not have details of what actually ensued in the Court room, and therefore make this comment in the context of this article. The writer's point of view carries the inherent theme of african culture where one is expected t ...
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Seth, showing remorse is a universal legal concept from the USA to Ghana. this is not African or European or whatever. it is a universal concept that when you do wrong or are charged with wrongdoing you can honestly reflect o ...
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Dennis, Ghana's infant(or teenage if you want) constitution has some alarming issues that are pending time to either explode or be confirm as proper. You must understand that there is currently contentious debate surrounding ...
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Kofi, you claim that Atta Akyea is suggesting here that he is a good lawyer. You then cite his role as a defence attorney in the Ya-Na trial as an example of why he is not. First, the man only said he is a serious lawyer, and ...
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PK, I posed the question whether being a very serious lawyer meant a good lawyer but did not answer. However, from the previous news reports on his performance before the SC, it appears he is trying to say that people have be ...
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Kofi, I'll accept your challenge and put forward an alternative perspective. I was equally disappointed with the way Atta Akyea defended his client in the contempt case, but hardly for the reasons you and others cite. In fact ...
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PK, You tell me how one can be a full, active constituency member of parliament and at the same time maintain an active law practice. Even under normal circumstances, this is odd, ridiculous and such a person should not be ta ...
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Any member of parliament who is also a lawyer cannot be said to be serious lawyer. Thus says Paul Amuna, a pupil of the NDC Propaganda School of Logic! But, Mr. Amuna, just so you know how silly your logic sounds, you're actu ...
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PK, are you not too quick to judge? I did Logic as part of undergraduate studies. To conclude from what Paul said that any MP who is a lawyer cannot be said to be serious or any professional MP must cease forthwith to be a se ...
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And are you not aware, Kofi, that, following request and permission, non-ministerial MPs may be permitted by the standing orders of parliament to absent themselves even for "personal" duties?
I really don't like getting in ...
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You are speaking absolute clap trap!! You cannot defend your argument I'm afraid. "Excusing themselves for personal duties"? what are these "personal duties? You mean to say people will use parliamentary time for personal bus ...
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First of all if you wish to address me by title, perhaps you would care to add the correct title which a Dr, not Mr, not that I care about titles,
Secondly, you talk about "NDC propaganda logic" but I suspect you are actin ...
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PK, you are now being objective and that is what we should do on this forum (debate issues and not only criticise views we do not share). My criticism of Atta-Akyea's performance at the first SC appearance was the fact that, ...
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PK, interestingly, Kofi and I disagree on the issue of the punishment meted out to Ken, Awuku and Atubiga but we have never made such a meal of it. Whereas I stil maintain that the SC justices were within their rights to act ...
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When you are approaching a voodoo deity, there are some protocols you must follow. Atta Akyea made the mistake of defending Ken Kuranchie with legal arguments rather than going on his knees and pacifying the deities in the su ...
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The only language that the supreme court of Ghana understands with regards to being a contemnor of this election petition is TO PLEAD FOR FORGIVENESS even if you have the best lawyer in the world.You are guilty as charged.
Indeed you are really a slaughter house lawyer, Get lost
Shut up, Radio Station Lawyer
ataa akyea, I beg to differ with your being a serious lawyer.gold scams stealing clients moneys, dumping of dead bodies,planning evil, conniving with chief justice to manipulate the judiciary etc. JUDGEMENT IS WAITING FOR YOU ...
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att a just shut up another cocoa asee shii ahii radio station lawyer full of wicked in his mind.
I serious lawyer INDEED by seriously and belligerently defrauding his unsuspecting contractor client. A slimy snake in a black-gown.
A serious lawyer INDEED by belligerently defrauding your unsuspecting contractor client- A slimy snake in a black-gown.
How can you be an active serving member of parliament and claim to be a "serious lawyer" at the same time? Clearly something has to give, and it seems to me you are poor at both, because you cannot simply actively serve your ...
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atta -akyea this is not true. I don't see you as a serious lawyer. you are just a politician wearing the attire and lenses of an elephant. a serious lawyer will not behave the way you behave. a serious lawyer won't go to cour ...
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Atta Akyea,you are not only a stupid lawyer but a hopeless idiot!Which lawyer is not serious after collecting money from a client to prevent him from jail?So, you must be a result oriented lawyer.
ataa akyea should be ashamed of the way he put up kuranchies case.he says hes a serious lawyer.every lawyer is suppose to be serious so i dont think he is not extraordinary among lawyers.he shouldnt be too known.we know of be ...
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But how did you go to court to defend a client and just "went there to "totopaapaaso" for your client to be jailed for 10 days like that?
A lawyer who steals from his client is no serious lawyer. You are a liar, not a lawyer.
before I thought lawyers were all round intellectually,but through this petition , I have learnt otherwise.
When we are to nominate an all round lawyer Atta Akyea is first pass the post.He understands judges are not gods to inflict their vents on those they are to execute justice to. THEY are not despots to imprison those who will ...
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