During the last year or so its has become clear to almost every child the ethnocentric racist anti Akan vicious propaganda directed mainly against the innocent Ashanti and Akyems .Even here on this forum we witness the daily ... read full comment
During the last year or so its has become clear to almost every child the ethnocentric racist anti Akan vicious propaganda directed mainly against the innocent Ashanti and Akyems .Even here on this forum we witness the daily insults , defamation and systematic character assination of any Akan leader who dares raise his voice to cry foul. The Akans lead by the Fantis are fighting back just as they in the early 90's with prof eduboahen and this happened last year after the murder of Mills. these ewe and northerners think if they bribe a few paramount chiefs and buy off Akuffo Addo as they have done they can go back to the business of looting the coffers but not so . They are overwhelmed by the resistance which is being lead by the family heads and the clans . since most the people here writing under false Akan names dont see the difference continue to harass the ashantis and akyems who by the way rarely ever contribute anything to this forum . this prof awonoor has mislead his people into a war they will surely loose , battle after battle they are pounded and bashed , the sophistication of their devious divide and rule strategy has been exposed and backfired ,today the Akans are more united than ever so much so the the Ashantis and akyems no more participate but are standing on the sidelines watching as they are surprised at the fury and determination of the rest of the Akans to rid themselves of this yoke of oppression. Akans will never peacefully accept to be second class citizens like the Indians in Latin America and fight the hegemony and tribalism with these same tools rather than just brushing it off and pretending it doesn't exist . the battle-lines have been drawn in the minds of every Ghanian and as things escalate the business of governance is slowly grinding to a halt soon from verbal warfare we move to open rejection of the govt of the day which will most likely end up in true war . we can not build and develop a sustainable economy if the ayigbe and pepeni can only be focused on the destruction of the Akans and looting the wealth of the nation , sadly when we say this all they say is that their hate is justified and their time has come to chop some . let it be known Akans make up almost 70% of the population, have 90% of the wealth and natural resources and that this govt that practically has less than 10% Akan participation is illegitimate and even the foreign banks and investors have noticed this and are withdrawing , the rest like the Chinese , Indians , Muslim Lebanese and Turkish will soon risk never being paid . billions have been borrowed but nobody has seen any benefits but it has ended up in the bottomless pits of the greed of the ndc pepeni and ayigbe . we propose secession as a peaceful exit to this mess , if persuasion fails force will be applied , long live the republic of Akan
Nana Buabeng 11 years ago
NDC is notorious for washing its dirty linen in public. Those who are guilty of this should be ashamed of themselves.
NDC is notorious for washing its dirty linen in public. Those who are guilty of this should be ashamed of themselves.
Avoka Nelson 11 years ago
pls if what the young democrtats said is true as a party, lets unite as a party to win massively in 2016
pls if what the young democrtats said is true as a party, lets unite as a party to win massively in 2016
Sam Ayi Kwabena Marfo 11 years ago
As a NDC supporter I would say am dissapointed by the way our government gave out the portufolios . It looks so obvious when you see the names of our ministers . Those who think the grounder of our party hasn´t got the right ... read full comment
As a NDC supporter I would say am dissapointed by the way our government gave out the portufolios . It looks so obvious when you see the names of our ministers . Those who think the grounder of our party hasn´t got the right to contribute to the direction in which the country is going should be ready for their surprise. So many things have gone wrong in the NDC which need to be addressed but I have the feeling that these guys are only seeing the their pockets. When care is not taken , the party might lose the 2016 election and might remain in opposition for a little while.
Kwame 11 years ago
Do variation in opinion and dissenting views constitute cracks?
Do variation in opinion and dissenting views constitute cracks?
KILL THEM 11 years ago
Do not bark when the bone is firmly in between your teeth.Food for thought.
Do not bark when the bone is firmly in between your teeth.Food for thought.
JOBLINKS 11 years ago
057 400 3936
057 400 3936
Mohammed Seidu-TIKUSAGI - Tamale 11 years ago
The issues discussed in this article does not amount to cracks.They are normal challenges that need to be addressed.Besides, calling for the resignation of the chairman can
deepen the so-call cracks. It is true that the ch ... read full comment
The issues discussed in this article does not amount to cracks.They are normal challenges that need to be addressed.Besides, calling for the resignation of the chairman can
deepen the so-call cracks. It is true that the chairman need to be called to order for that unguarded statement.
cracks in ndc
During the last year or so its has become clear to almost every child the ethnocentric racist anti Akan vicious propaganda directed mainly against the innocent Ashanti and Akyems .Even here on this forum we witness the daily ...
read full comment
NDC is notorious for washing its dirty linen in public. Those who are guilty of this should be ashamed of themselves.
pls if what the young democrtats said is true as a party, lets unite as a party to win massively in 2016
As a NDC supporter I would say am dissapointed by the way our government gave out the portufolios . It looks so obvious when you see the names of our ministers . Those who think the grounder of our party hasn´t got the right ...
read full comment
Do variation in opinion and dissenting views constitute cracks?
Do not bark when the bone is firmly in between your teeth.Food for thought.
057 400 3936
The issues discussed in this article does not amount to cracks.They are normal challenges that need to be addressed.Besides, calling for the resignation of the chairman can
deepen the so-call cracks. It is true that the ch ...
read full comment
Who cares for ndc corrupt