The only way for a new beginning and real life in the incorruptible light is to surrender your life failures stumblings and fallings to our truthful and deliverer JESUS CHRIST.If Jesus sets you free you shall be free ind ... read full comment
The only way for a new beginning and real life in the incorruptible light is to surrender your life failures stumblings and fallings to our truthful and deliverer JESUS CHRIST.If Jesus sets you free you shall be free indeed.God bless
Nicholas J Bedzo 11 years ago
This Episode is food for thought.
This Episode is food for thought.
HASSAN 11 years ago
The Word became God
In truth God the Almighty does not become for he always existed with no beginning and no end. For God created time and made his creation subject to it, therefore its very hard for one to comprehend such ... read full comment
The Word became God
In truth God the Almighty does not become for he always existed with no beginning and no end. For God created time and made his creation subject to it, therefore its very hard for one to comprehend such a divine existence , Yet In John 1:1 we read "In the beginning was
the Word",since the word has " beginning" the word must be created , so how can a created being ".... was with God,". Is it logical to say "... the Word was God" .
For the phrase "was" can only be used for what exists within time and creation, it is obvious that the verse was a humans effort to make the "word" divine .
Yet in the Greek Gospel the first phrase GOD is (????-THEON) and the second phrase is (????-THEOS) which means “A god” meaning any god or in biblical theology someone with authority as where God said to Moses "See I have made you a god to Pharaoh” Exodus 7:1.
In fact in the Gospel of John, the first chapter verse 1-38 are the words of the Gospel scribes (writers) which is very different from Jesus' words for when Jesus said: “None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.” John 17:21 However the Gospel writer clearly contradicted Jesus by saying: "I have not lost one of those you gave me." John 18:9 As you can see the writers were mistaken by saying Jesus contradicted himself when he said he lost none.
Shockingly Jesus said: "I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God. John 20:17” Was Jesus equal to his disciples for they have a father who is God, just like him? Some say he is 100% man in flesh and 100% God, however Jesus disagreed by saying: a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have" Luke 24:39. For “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:24.
Yes truth is like a spark plug. You cannot reverse it or twist it, it would expose you when you try to manipulate it.
Two days ago a person of NaNa Ansah was saying the catholics brought bible and seems not to have the spi ... read full comment
Yes truth is like a spark plug. You cannot reverse it or twist it, it would expose you when you try to manipulate it.
Two days ago a person of NaNa Ansah was saying the catholics brought bible and seems not to have the spirit of God to discern why?
After the apostles of Christ were killed and annilated, the Lord God has to protect the book through the beast. I say the Lord God is intelligent than the beast on earth, so he hide the book through the beast who will protect the bible as it own, yet not knowing it content.
Through save souls will pick the bi, but beast will fumble around with it. This is why the catholics hold on to the bible. If an African has to write the bible, it would have been destroy again by the same beast.
They were deleting my writings hence errors. Patch them up and get the story.
The Lord Jesus Christ hide the book call bible through the beast on earth, yet when they read it they fail to understand it. Unless you're with ... read full comment
They were deleting my writings hence errors. Patch them up and get the story.
The Lord Jesus Christ hide the book call bible through the beast on earth, yet when they read it they fail to understand it. Unless you're with the Lord God, he would make your understanding obscure for you to fumble with trivialities.
Abdul Razak Boateng 11 years ago
If by today’s Christianity we understand faith in Christ as:
The heavenly Son of God or one in a trinity, who did not belong to earthly humanity, but who lived in the divin ... read full comment
If by today’s Christianity we understand faith in Christ as:
The heavenly Son of God or one in a trinity, who did not belong to earthly humanity, but who lived in the divine likeness and glory.
Who came down from heaven to earth, who took upon himself a human form, so he made preparation for men sins by his
Yes, you get it. It is like hiding your precious ornament in a vicious den of wild animals.
It takes the owner and those who understand the owner to get the ornament from the hiddihg place, anyother could be eating by the ... read full comment
Yes, you get it. It is like hiding your precious ornament in a vicious den of wild animals.
It takes the owner and those who understand the owner to get the ornament from the hiddihg place, anyother could be eating by the vicious animals.
So the bible was giving to the west for protection.
The only way for a new beginning and real life in the incorruptible light is to surrender your life failures stumblings and fallings to our truthful and deliverer JESUS CHRIST.If Jesus sets you free you shall be free ind ...
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This Episode is food for thought.
The Word became God
In truth God the Almighty does not become for he always existed with no beginning and no end. For God created time and made his creation subject to it, therefore its very hard for one to comprehend such ...
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Yes truth is like a spark plug. You cannot reverse it or twist it, it would expose you when you try to manipulate it.
Two days ago a person of NaNa Ansah was saying the catholics brought bible and seems not to have the spi ...
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They were deleting my writings hence errors. Patch them up and get the story.
The Lord Jesus Christ hide the book call bible through the beast on earth, yet when they read it they fail to understand it. Unless you're with ...
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If by today’s Christianity we understand faith in Christ as:
The heavenly Son of God or one in a trinity, who did not belong to earthly humanity, but who lived in the divin ...
read full comment
Yes, you get it. It is like hiding your precious ornament in a vicious den of wild animals.
It takes the owner and those who understand the owner to get the ornament from the hiddihg place, anyother could be eating by the ...
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