It is not a problem with Tekper, it is the whole government that stinks to the highest heavens.
It is not a problem with Tekper, it is the whole government that stinks to the highest heavens.
Kwaku 11 years ago
Can we blame the innocent Krobo man who has got no control of what his party does?Atta Mills and John Mahama wanted somebody that they can't manipulate,if not so somebody of a strong character like Kwasi Botchway should have ... read full comment
Can we blame the innocent Krobo man who has got no control of what his party does?Atta Mills and John Mahama wanted somebody that they can't manipulate,if not so somebody of a strong character like Kwasi Botchway should have been there.
GTV-TV3 on WWW.OFMTV.COM 11 years ago
ATSU, HO 11 years ago
DKB 11 years ago
Well said ATSU, but you forgot to add keeping the majority of citizens poor and uneducated makes the one eyed politicians kings. Blowing the family fortunes lavishly and feeding everyone else in the family with the crumbs.
Well said ATSU, but you forgot to add keeping the majority of citizens poor and uneducated makes the one eyed politicians kings. Blowing the family fortunes lavishly and feeding everyone else in the family with the crumbs.
OLD SOLDIER 11 years ago
When Kwaku Baako informed us about the atrocities of Kwesi Pratt during PNDC Regime, some of us did not believe until the truth was confirmed during the NRC. Kwesi Pratt is the most dangerous Journalist Ghana had ever have, h ... read full comment
When Kwaku Baako informed us about the atrocities of Kwesi Pratt during PNDC Regime, some of us did not believe until the truth was confirmed during the NRC. Kwesi Pratt is the most dangerous Journalist Ghana had ever have, he had the gut to recommend his fellow journalists to be executed by PNDC. Pratt even recommended Baako to be killed by the regime, thank God Baako was instead touchered violently and severely but his life was spared. This is what Kwesi Pratt can do. Now Pratt is a secret agent to NDC and US Embassy in Ghana. May God forgive Pratt and spare him the untold evils that will come upon him and his generations. The souls of those journalist killed through Pratt's recommendations to PNDC will never forgive Pratt. Now Pratt has the guts to take Diplomatic Passport and smuggled his weak-headed children to work at the Ministries under Mills NDC, may God forgive Pratt and his dependance and spare them of the evils ahead of them...
MANTSE 11 years ago
I can appreciate the group's frustration. We are all equally frustrated, but why blame Seth Terkper? He is one of the most COMPETENT REVENUE ADMINISTRATORS our system has produced and has an Intitutional Memory going back to ... read full comment
I can appreciate the group's frustration. We are all equally frustrated, but why blame Seth Terkper? He is one of the most COMPETENT REVENUE ADMINISTRATORS our system has produced and has an Intitutional Memory going back to the 90s.
What this PNF Group is attempting to do is the same thing that has been done to undermine decent and Hard Working people in the system who are constrained by the Bureacratic tendencies inherent in the system over which dedicated Public Servants of the likes of Mr Terkper have no control.
The Group rightly pointed out Shortfalls in Revenue Mobilization. My first question is whether Mr Terkper was even consulted in appointing the Heads of the Revenue Agencies? I bet if there was any prior knowledge of these appointments it was not to consult but rather to inform him as to who has been selected to head such Institutions.
What about other Minitries, Departments and Agencies overspending their Budgets without any sort of reprimand? Is Mr. Terkper responsible for that?
You think if the decision was Mr. Terkper's to make he would dole out One Billion Cedis to GYEEDA and its ancillaries?
Mr Terkper can ONLY Play the Cards he is Dealt and any change must start with the Appointing Authorities who must bring on board people who can assist him.
Also, the Politicians must stay clear of his path, because they are not there to tell him if it is crooked. Their only reason for being there is to seek their proverbial 10% and have things steered in the direction of their cronies.
You can remove Seth Terkper and NOT A THING will change because the underlying Fundamentals will still be off tangent.
The PNF's call must be directed at those who don't believe there must be Value for Money and are simply 'Hangers On' with nothing to offer.
Leave the Hard Working, Tested and Proven, Harvard Educated and World Bank Experienced Seth Terkper alone.
Gye Nyame 11 years ago
They may others in his chain of command to blame, including Mahama but unfortunately he is the face of the finance mess so he gets the blame. For starters the guy is in denial and was even surprised by the new rating. How do ... read full comment
They may others in his chain of command to blame, including Mahama but unfortunately he is the face of the finance mess so he gets the blame. For starters the guy is in denial and was even surprised by the new rating. How do you start resolving an issue when you deny its existence?
sankariwa 11 years ago
We shouldn't blame the innocent man. He just came to sit on a mess created by John Dramani Mahama. Mahama thought stealing to buy power was so easy. Today those he (JDM) bought with materials and money from our account are th ... read full comment
We shouldn't blame the innocent man. He just came to sit on a mess created by John Dramani Mahama. Mahama thought stealing to buy power was so easy. Today those he (JDM) bought with materials and money from our account are the same people questioning his administration. Terkpor has done nothing wrong, he was just called to do what is not possible, because he can not turn "a sheep into a cow".
esi atta 11 years ago
Seth Teper didn't impose himself on the ministry. He was appointed by the clueless John Mahama. The mess is therefore, John Mahama's responsibility, not Seth Teper's.
Seth Teper didn't impose himself on the ministry. He was appointed by the clueless John Mahama. The mess is therefore, John Mahama's responsibility, not Seth Teper's.
Kwaedaho 11 years ago
Seth Tekper must go with the person who put him there! The head is rotten and must be cut off and buried with the rest of the body! The entire NDC government must go or Ghanaians will know no peace!
Seth Tekper must go with the person who put him there! The head is rotten and must be cut off and buried with the rest of the body! The entire NDC government must go or Ghanaians will know no peace!
william 11 years ago
From head to toe your unrealistic expectations will rot!Were they elected to be assessed and judged in this witch craft manner!
From head to toe your unrealistic expectations will rot!Were they elected to be assessed and judged in this witch craft manner!
AMEGBEDZI 11 years ago
You guys must know that the court case has greatly affected the economy. Even Ex-President Kufuor has to sell Ghana Telecom other than that salaries could not be paid. You must also know that SSSS has added a lot of wage bill ... read full comment
You guys must know that the court case has greatly affected the economy. Even Ex-President Kufuor has to sell Ghana Telecom other than that salaries could not be paid. You must also know that SSSS has added a lot of wage bill on the Government. Its time the SSSS IS SCRAPPED.
Edziban 11 years ago
Another mad NDC goon!
Another mad NDC goon!
AMEGBEDZI 11 years ago
We need to tell people the truth but not to resort to insult.You have not contributed any suggestion to the article. Learn to be civil
We need to tell people the truth but not to resort to insult.You have not contributed any suggestion to the article. Learn to be civil
Nyarko 11 years ago
From the perspective of the international financial markets, Mr. Terkper is incompetent and has no charisma. To run an institution that manages the financials of a country and its people, you need someone who understands the ... read full comment
From the perspective of the international financial markets, Mr. Terkper is incompetent and has no charisma. To run an institution that manages the financials of a country and its people, you need someone who understands the fiscal policies that exist within international capital markets and what provisions are defined for management of a countries capital resources.
Look at Ghana, most of the banks in the country have little to no assets to warrant credit worthiness for larger loans to be granted by international creditors. A bank in Ghana wants a billion dollars in credit deposits but their asset base after evaluation is only $460 Million Dollars. How do you give such a bank the size of capital it needs to operate when what they are seeking for is much greater than what they are worth. That was the case of the STX issue. The government and its incompetent administrators issued a bond to fund a project but did not register it with an ISIN #. The ISIN structure was defined in ISO 6166 and has a 12 digit alpha numeric code associated with it. Even the finance minister didn't know what this was and when I brought it up in a meeting, they started saying that I think I know it all because I have money and come from America with an attitude. Our biggest challenge in Ghana is our inability to admit that we need help so that competent people with experience can help our economy. We need simple measures to be instituted so that our country can get out of debt. These measures are so simple, I sit and bang my head and wonder why our President doesn't setup a task force to clean all the rot at the ministries and institutions of state so that the people of Ghana can benefit from the vast resources that exist in our country.
I have offered teams and contingency solutions that can help the country but our leaders are dumber than you may think, and most of them are figure heads with no power to execute the demands of their office. Our leaders are Incompetent and no one seem to understand that a country of our magnitude needs people who are competent, experienced, and trusted by the money markets to help get us out of the situation that we are currently in. I will give you an example. I just provided Ghana with a major operator from the US to invest $10 Billion dollars into our Natural Resource sector and also provide us with credit resources that will boost our ratings on the international market. The group committed the money and scheduled a trip to visit our beloved nation with their top Executives. Our President was ecstatic about this group after his visit and commended the effort to help Ghana. The group reviewed our national debt and came up with a strategy that will allow Ghana to resolve the debt in 3 years. I took them to Ghana twice already and they gained the comfort with the environment and the people but didn't want to deal with politicians and so I kept every visit on the economic development and infrastructure development front. They committed to help Ghana industrialize and assist in capital preservation and the training of our institutional heads so that the US could forge a better partnership with the country. Ghana needed a confidentiality agreement signed for the review and investment to begin and so the group agreed to sign it. One clause needed to be adjusted and the Government agreed to do so in other for the capital resources to start trickling into the economy. After all was set to be signed, some core individuals wanted bribes before appending their signature to the paper. Our group falls under FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act), and so I informed the Ghana team seeking to be paid for their signature that our group cant pay bribes. We can invest and help the economy and provide employment. Out of frustration, one person who was suppose to adjust the clause decided that they felt that the particular clause wasn't favorable to Ghana and so they would take a vacation and think about it before making a decision on what needs to be done. The group I took to Ghana is a $250 Billion plus company with a globally respected brand. Getting the Chairman and CEO of the company to visit Ghana wasn't an easy task because of their fear of going to Africa for the first time. I made their trip so fun that they asked me to have our team go for the second time. They got so comfortable that they felt Ghana could be their new hub for entering the African Market in a major way. When the bribe situation happened, they instantly called me and said that my country wasn't serious and that they didn't act like a country that needed help so they would rather go into Kenya with me because the Kenya's have been calling for assistance and they are ready to work with this group to have them come into their country with investment.
Our president was informed and after a week, his office started calling to inform me that they were doing house cleaning and apologize for the action of the people who acted up to delay things. They begged me to bring the group back on track and now I have to revert back to the board of directors to state my case and request a redress of the situation for them to consider coming back. They agreed to do so if I could get the terms completed in two weeks. It has been two weeks and even after the leader of the country has authorized for something to be done in days, we are still waiting. The government of Ghana stinks and the leadership are not consistent with what they promise.
I advised the President to do an immediate house cleaning and replace the incompetency with real active people who are already successful and don't need state money to build their retirement. Ghana's issue is not only rot but trust in the intentions of Ghanaians who come from abroad to help.
I built my wealth on my own in the US and earned every single dollar I have made in my career. I work daily with all the energy I have and make money through effort and relentless dedication. When I visit Ghana, all I see is a bunch of people in positions who have their hands out for free money. The institutions are filled with incompetent people who don't even know why they are in the positions they are in. They sit behind fancy desks and call themselves ministers of state but have no history of success in their pockets except for running for a seat in a village of illiterates and using a few bags of rice and sugar to get elected. There should be a policy that if you cant TYPE 60 words per minute, you cant be a minister. There should also be a policy that if you don't know what a browser I and how to use the internet, you cant work within any pubic institution. Deputy Ministers should all be mandated to have at least a bachelors degree and 5 years of verifiable work experience in a company with references from qualified people.
Simple policies will help shape our institutions and ministries else our beloved country will keep on going down the tubes and people will shy away from coming into Ghana to provide the assistance that we need.
MK 11 years ago
Nyarko, I like your analysis and contribution to the article.Some investors from the West want to explore different markets around the world and Africa is one of the best destination. But corruption is driving them away from ... read full comment
Nyarko, I like your analysis and contribution to the article.Some investors from the West want to explore different markets around the world and Africa is one of the best destination. But corruption is driving them away from doing it. One of my white class mate here in the US said two weeks ago that South Africa isolated itself from the rest of the African countries. I was just having a casual chat with him regarding opportunities and threats in the global world. I personally debated about the guy remarks and concluded that whites presence in South Africa may play a part. If investors want to go to Ghana with money to explore the system who is that individual sitting there demanding money to sign a document? Things are going bad due to the cultural practices that Ghanaian have found themselves in. In the Western world, corrupt officials are exposed to the media but not the case in Ghana. The name of the man demanding money or sitting on the document/report should have been published for everyone to see the person retarding the progress of Ghana. Look at Blagojevich case in Illinois Chicago, he was convicted for trying to sell Obama seat. If the investors decide to go into Kenya and leave Ghana, what are we talking about?
MARCUS AMPADU 11 years ago
The so-called group has no case whatsoever.
Mr. Terkper is doing a fantastic job.
The so-called group has no case whatsoever.
Mr. Terkper is doing a fantastic job.
Time-will-tell 11 years ago
What constitutes a fantastic job? Describe what you mean by a fantastic job? You mean a terribly poor job?
What constitutes a fantastic job? Describe what you mean by a fantastic job? You mean a terribly poor job?
MARCUS AMPADU 11 years ago
Progressive Nationalist Front: sounds like a political party. Tell me what constitutes what you mean by terrible job and I'll tell your group what I mean by fantastic job.
Progressive Nationalist Front: sounds like a political party. Tell me what constitutes what you mean by terrible job and I'll tell your group what I mean by fantastic job.
idiot 11 years ago
what are your apparent reasons for sack people is it becacaus you have form a group of incompent .you are not advocating for any you fool.
what are your apparent reasons for sack people is it becacaus you have form a group of incompent .you are not advocating for any you fool.
THE SON OF MAN 11 years ago
This is an irresponsible and thoughtless group with little or no understanding on financial systems work. Seth inherited a fundamentally empty and hopeless economy that needs a serious re-structuring.
It will take a while ... read full comment
This is an irresponsible and thoughtless group with little or no understanding on financial systems work. Seth inherited a fundamentally empty and hopeless economy that needs a serious re-structuring.
It will take a while for the results to be felt especially when the previous govt. had committed the country to just too many senseless financial obligations and commitments.
DKB 11 years ago
Are you real or you still have your head buried up your back side. What financial obligations? If these incompetent lot know there were too many financial obligations, what were they doing paying million in Akomfem project, G ... read full comment
Are you real or you still have your head buried up your back side. What financial obligations? If these incompetent lot know there were too many financial obligations, what were they doing paying million in Akomfem project, GYEEDA,SADA, planting trees during the dry season? Millions on laptops for people who don't even know how to use them. I mean how can any responsible govt pay millions upfront to RLG to produce laptops? How do they even know or reconcile the payment to the number of laptops assembled and distributed. How and why would you pay for goods you haven't yet received when payment to contractors, teachers, doctors and other more important govt institutions have not even received their statutory payments?
The whole NDC machinery is corrupt to the bone. How anybody who claims to love Ghana can defend such foolish, corrupt and incompetent greedy individuals baffles me.
GHANABA 11 years ago
I think Ghanaians should start calling for a referendum on the gov't's ability to prevent the country from the prevailing economic chaos and it's onward and forward march into the very pits, and seek a dissolution of parliame ... read full comment
I think Ghanaians should start calling for a referendum on the gov't's ability to prevent the country from the prevailing economic chaos and it's onward and forward march into the very pits, and seek a dissolution of parliament, whilst calling for fresh elections.
The country is on the brink of collapse and there's currently a huge opinion position where effectively, a vote of no confidence has been established and passed about the competence and the ability of the Mahama-Amissah Arthur administration to keep the country on an even keel and prevent the country from going down under.
THIS STUPID EWE MAN++ 11 years ago
These ewes can't succeed unless they steal so how are you expecting an ewe man to fix an economy? That is the most stupid decision of all.
These ewes can't succeed unless they steal so how are you expecting an ewe man to fix an economy? That is the most stupid decision of all.
Tsatsebi 11 years ago
You are much entrenched in tribalism that you do not even know your facts about the Finance minister. The guy is not an Ewe. Since you have feeble brains I will advice that you educate yourself a bit before exposing your igno ... read full comment
You are much entrenched in tribalism that you do not even know your facts about the Finance minister. The guy is not an Ewe. Since you have feeble brains I will advice that you educate yourself a bit before exposing your ignorance to the world. The man is from my tribe. Look at my name and deduce.
Richard Nyamah and Fred Amankwah Sarf 11 years ago
Richard Nyamah and Fred Amankwah Sarfo are two stupid DOGS in GH
Richard Nyamah and Fred Amankwah Sarfo are two stupid DOGS in GH
queen 11 years ago
Good for nothing bunch of NDC CROOKS.
Good for nothing bunch of NDC CROOKS.
Jade 11 years ago
Finance minister and President without business experience - govt hand out jobs and NGOs
Finance minister and President without business experience - govt hand out jobs and NGOs
Jade 11 years ago
We're going backwards towards the taliban way
We're going backwards towards the taliban way
Concern citizen 11 years ago
To me there is no need for an investor,they wicken our cedi by chasing dollars and euros with their profit with .We are giving our viable companies for pea nuts.
I think nobody should have the right to sell any govt business ... read full comment
To me there is no need for an investor,they wicken our cedi by chasing dollars and euros with their profit with .We are giving our viable companies for pea nuts.
I think nobody should have the right to sell any govt business becos govt is an ongoing venture and it is for generation unborn.
Isaac Kusi, Bronx, NY. 11 years ago
You guys are just making noise like 2 year old children. You don't know that the country is not producing anything and from reports folks are shipping water to Ghana. Are you guys not aware of rice and chicken imports?
Are y ... read full comment
You guys are just making noise like 2 year old children. You don't know that the country is not producing anything and from reports folks are shipping water to Ghana. Are you guys not aware of rice and chicken imports?
Are you not aware of the resources are being carted way for free?
Efoga 11 years ago
Why do we always employ accountants to the post? Why not employ an economist?
Why do we always employ accountants to the post? Why not employ an economist?
Papa Yaw 11 years ago
kwapaa 11 years ago
if he was good he would not have sacked by prez mills.he shd be sacked period.we can see results.his measures are not working,so what is he still doing.i just dont get it.
if he was good he would not have sacked by prez mills.he shd be sacked period.we can see results.his measures are not working,so what is he still doing.i just dont get it.
It was on asempa fm that an NPP MP said Terkper used patapa to get the post when he knows he is not an economist. At the end of that interview, the MP withdrew that statement, realising he has insulted the Terkper.
NPP AF ... read full comment
It was on asempa fm that an NPP MP said Terkper used patapa to get the post when he knows he is not an economist. At the end of that interview, the MP withdrew that statement, realising he has insulted the Terkper.
NPP AFAG = NPP Ashante Front Against Ghana
Tsatsebi 11 years ago
Blame the NPP which set Ghana on an economic downward trend before Seth Terkper came in. There is too much corruption in Ghana. The Progressive Nationalist Front (PNF) itself is extremely corrupt and knows little about managi ... read full comment
Blame the NPP which set Ghana on an economic downward trend before Seth Terkper came in. There is too much corruption in Ghana. The Progressive Nationalist Front (PNF) itself is extremely corrupt and knows little about managing finances and the economy.
MK 11 years ago
When did NPP left office? We must condemn what is wrong and praise what is right. Mahama should have appointed an economist to manage that department. Job for the boys make him appoint this man to head the ministry. Terkper w ... read full comment
When did NPP left office? We must condemn what is wrong and praise what is right. Mahama should have appointed an economist to manage that department. Job for the boys make him appoint this man to head the ministry. Terkper would have been better placed at the Bank of Ghana of Ghana where people with accounting background are needed. Mahama is just sharing the positions to anybody without thinking of who can do the job. Mahama even talk too much with little action. There is too much suffering going on in the country right now but the gov't is doing little to solve the problem. Most of my family members living in the Upper West Region are crying for help right at the start of this year. I remit money every two weeks due to bad economy my family are experiencing. I am not praying for his gov't to fail, but he must appoint the right people and stop that ego. Spio Gab was a good minister under Rawlings but Mahama sidelined him and picked incompetent friends and relatives to head ministries. Same way he demoted Alban Bagbin and others for his personal egos. Look at strikes upon strikes befalling the country. It is a pity and he must sit up and not to disgrace the northern folks.
MK 11 years ago
Ignore my repeated word "Ghana"
Ignore my repeated word "Ghana"
Kofi Adomarakwa 11 years ago
it is strange that people like you think you are Ghanaians. You talk as if partisan politics is what will save this country. your article is factually empty and logically pathetic. Those of you behind this organisation can ne ... read full comment
it is strange that people like you think you are Ghanaians. You talk as if partisan politics is what will save this country. your article is factually empty and logically pathetic. Those of you behind this organisation can never have the competency of Mr Seth Terkper. Go and sleep. By next year the economy will be track. It is your so called election petition that almost brought this country to a stand still. so if you want to blame somebody, look for Akufo Addo, Bawumia, Jake and Sir John
ABENA AMPONSAH 11 years ago
The Finance Minister is not cut for the job, ghanaians are at a loss why Mahama led administration will nominate somebody with not the requisite qualification for a portfolio as important as the Finance Ministry. We are joker ... read full comment
The Finance Minister is not cut for the job, ghanaians are at a loss why Mahama led administration will nominate somebody with not the requisite qualification for a portfolio as important as the Finance Ministry. We are jokers or what? Terkper must go
oba nyansani baako Pe in Ghana! 11 years ago
One day one day we will wake up to see that military has taken over the country.
One day one day we will wake up to see that military has taken over the country.
Nii Joromi 11 years ago
He is so powerless and can't do anything about the wastage and corruption going on.
He is so powerless and can't do anything about the wastage and corruption going on.
Helloooo!! 11 years ago
It is very sickening to hear all these allegations against president Mahama and his NDC government. I believe these allegations are not true. Because if these allegations are true, we would all rise up, or have at least one ... read full comment
It is very sickening to hear all these allegations against president Mahama and his NDC government. I believe these allegations are not true. Because if these allegations are true, we would all rise up, or have at least one patriot, one dedicated Ghanaian, one Gen. Amidu to rise up and challenge president Mahama for causing all these grievous finanacial destruction to our beloved Ghana. I believe this is a hoax otherwise, how can a country like Ghana with such intelligent people surrender our hopes, our lives, and that of our children to one man and his few hench men to toy with, and not a single Messiah could stand up and fight for the country. I don't believe it.
Kwaame 11 years ago
Blame Duffour, he was terribly inept and useless. I believe Tekper has very good intentions (which don't solve problems), unfortunately for him the destruction by Kwabena Duffour is diabolical.
Blame Duffour, he was terribly inept and useless. I believe Tekper has very good intentions (which don't solve problems), unfortunately for him the destruction by Kwabena Duffour is diabolical.
It is not a problem with Tekper, it is the whole government that stinks to the highest heavens.
Can we blame the innocent Krobo man who has got no control of what his party does?Atta Mills and John Mahama wanted somebody that they can't manipulate,if not so somebody of a strong character like Kwasi Botchway should have ...
read full comment
Well said ATSU, but you forgot to add keeping the majority of citizens poor and uneducated makes the one eyed politicians kings. Blowing the family fortunes lavishly and feeding everyone else in the family with the crumbs.
When Kwaku Baako informed us about the atrocities of Kwesi Pratt during PNDC Regime, some of us did not believe until the truth was confirmed during the NRC. Kwesi Pratt is the most dangerous Journalist Ghana had ever have, h ...
read full comment
I can appreciate the group's frustration. We are all equally frustrated, but why blame Seth Terkper? He is one of the most COMPETENT REVENUE ADMINISTRATORS our system has produced and has an Intitutional Memory going back to ...
read full comment
They may others in his chain of command to blame, including Mahama but unfortunately he is the face of the finance mess so he gets the blame. For starters the guy is in denial and was even surprised by the new rating. How do ...
read full comment
We shouldn't blame the innocent man. He just came to sit on a mess created by John Dramani Mahama. Mahama thought stealing to buy power was so easy. Today those he (JDM) bought with materials and money from our account are th ...
read full comment
Seth Teper didn't impose himself on the ministry. He was appointed by the clueless John Mahama. The mess is therefore, John Mahama's responsibility, not Seth Teper's.
Seth Tekper must go with the person who put him there! The head is rotten and must be cut off and buried with the rest of the body! The entire NDC government must go or Ghanaians will know no peace!
From head to toe your unrealistic expectations will rot!Were they elected to be assessed and judged in this witch craft manner!
You guys must know that the court case has greatly affected the economy. Even Ex-President Kufuor has to sell Ghana Telecom other than that salaries could not be paid. You must also know that SSSS has added a lot of wage bill ...
read full comment
Another mad NDC goon!
We need to tell people the truth but not to resort to insult.You have not contributed any suggestion to the article. Learn to be civil
From the perspective of the international financial markets, Mr. Terkper is incompetent and has no charisma. To run an institution that manages the financials of a country and its people, you need someone who understands the ...
read full comment
Nyarko, I like your analysis and contribution to the article.Some investors from the West want to explore different markets around the world and Africa is one of the best destination. But corruption is driving them away from ...
read full comment
The so-called group has no case whatsoever.
Mr. Terkper is doing a fantastic job.
What constitutes a fantastic job? Describe what you mean by a fantastic job? You mean a terribly poor job?
Progressive Nationalist Front: sounds like a political party. Tell me what constitutes what you mean by terrible job and I'll tell your group what I mean by fantastic job.
what are your apparent reasons for sack people is it becacaus you have form a group of incompent .you are not advocating for any you fool.
This is an irresponsible and thoughtless group with little or no understanding on financial systems work. Seth inherited a fundamentally empty and hopeless economy that needs a serious re-structuring.
It will take a while ...
read full comment
Are you real or you still have your head buried up your back side. What financial obligations? If these incompetent lot know there were too many financial obligations, what were they doing paying million in Akomfem project, G ...
read full comment
I think Ghanaians should start calling for a referendum on the gov't's ability to prevent the country from the prevailing economic chaos and it's onward and forward march into the very pits, and seek a dissolution of parliame ...
read full comment
These ewes can't succeed unless they steal so how are you expecting an ewe man to fix an economy? That is the most stupid decision of all.
You are much entrenched in tribalism that you do not even know your facts about the Finance minister. The guy is not an Ewe. Since you have feeble brains I will advice that you educate yourself a bit before exposing your igno ...
read full comment
Richard Nyamah and Fred Amankwah Sarfo are two stupid DOGS in GH
Good for nothing bunch of NDC CROOKS.
Finance minister and President without business experience - govt hand out jobs and NGOs
We're going backwards towards the taliban way
To me there is no need for an investor,they wicken our cedi by chasing dollars and euros with their profit with .We are giving our viable companies for pea nuts.
I think nobody should have the right to sell any govt business ...
read full comment
You guys are just making noise like 2 year old children. You don't know that the country is not producing anything and from reports folks are shipping water to Ghana. Are you guys not aware of rice and chicken imports?
Are y ...
read full comment
Why do we always employ accountants to the post? Why not employ an economist?
if he was good he would not have sacked by prez mills.he shd be sacked period.we can see results.his measures are not working,so what is he still doing.i just dont get it.
It was on asempa fm that an NPP MP said Terkper used patapa to get the post when he knows he is not an economist. At the end of that interview, the MP withdrew that statement, realising he has insulted the Terkper.
NPP AF ...
read full comment
Blame the NPP which set Ghana on an economic downward trend before Seth Terkper came in. There is too much corruption in Ghana. The Progressive Nationalist Front (PNF) itself is extremely corrupt and knows little about managi ...
read full comment
When did NPP left office? We must condemn what is wrong and praise what is right. Mahama should have appointed an economist to manage that department. Job for the boys make him appoint this man to head the ministry. Terkper w ...
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Ignore my repeated word "Ghana"
it is strange that people like you think you are Ghanaians. You talk as if partisan politics is what will save this country. your article is factually empty and logically pathetic. Those of you behind this organisation can ne ...
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The Finance Minister is not cut for the job, ghanaians are at a loss why Mahama led administration will nominate somebody with not the requisite qualification for a portfolio as important as the Finance Ministry. We are joker ...
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One day one day we will wake up to see that military has taken over the country.
He is so powerless and can't do anything about the wastage and corruption going on.
It is very sickening to hear all these allegations against president Mahama and his NDC government. I believe these allegations are not true. Because if these allegations are true, we would all rise up, or have at least one ...
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Blame Duffour, he was terribly inept and useless. I believe Tekper has very good intentions (which don't solve problems), unfortunately for him the destruction by Kwabena Duffour is diabolical.