General News of Sunday, 3 November 2002

Source: Ghanaian Voice

Retired Soldiers are angry

Some 900 soldiers out of a possible 2000 of the Other ranks who have been cashiered from the army are seething with frustrations and anger because inspite of the fact that a letter from the office of the Chief of Staff, General Headquarters of the Ghana Armed Forces has instructed that they should be paid all their entitlements only 80% had been paid to them. 

According to a soldier who wrote to the “Ghanaian Voice” although the government promised to pay them almost $15,000 after they were retired from office, this has not been the case. Corporals have been given ?20 million and Wos ?44 million. This letter claims is creating rebels in the ranks of the retired soldiers. The soldier supplied the information that the government had been given a loan to support their pension or redundancy but has not been honest with what it promised to do. 

The soldier supplied us with the computation of payments as at 1st May 2002 and concluded that as against the Directives which we have published on this page they have been given only 80% of their due. The table represents the current state of affairs and demanded that the Chief of Defence Staff the Minister for Defence and the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces should come out to either confirm or deny whether they are aware of the change of these Directives.



Tel 776111 Ext 2971 11th January, 2001 GHQ/1002/17/COS See Distribution WARNING ORDER – RELEASES

1. The freeze placed on normal releases from the Armed Forces has been lifted. Consequently, action is to be initiated to ensure that the release of over 2000 OR who have served more than 25 yrs be professionally managed.

2. In this connection the following directives are to be implemented immediately:

a. Svc HQs

1. Intensive education of all ranks on programme for the releases.

2. Ensure action is not misconstrued or politicized.


1. Categorise all affected pers as fol:

a. Category 1 – 30 yrs and above

b. Category 2 – 27 to 29 yrs. c. Category 3 – 25 to 26 yrs. c. GHQ(DFC) (1) Compute total end of service benefits of affected pers and initiate the necessary liaison with the Comptroller and Accountant General’s Dept for a smooth take-off of the exercise,

(2) Initiate action to ensure that instead of the previous payment of 80% and after final clearance, 20% the total 100% is paid upfront.

(3) Consequently, all indebtedness that may arise from accn damages, loans, BOI directives, GAFI purchases etc should be collated before this 100% payment is effected.

(4) All outstanding previous 20% payment due to retirees should be effected before the commencement of this new exercise

d. General Matters

1. There shall be no exemption to these directives

2. Personnel with specialised/technical skills urgently required will upon the recommendation of Sve Comds and approval by CDS be employed as civilians in accordance with current regulations.

3. All ranks in the retirement bracket should be encouraged to voluntarily opt our with some incentives. FLA for example is to be paid once OR vacates his/her quarters before the expiration of his/her terminal leave.

4. As soon as the back-log is cleared no person will be allowed to serve beyond 25 yrs except otherwise directed by the COS 5. Recommendation for promotion of DR who have served 25 yrs or more is hereby frozen in fairness to aspiring young soldiers.

2. Please accept for your further action.

CA OKAE Maj Gen Chief of Staff Distribution: External:

Internal: Action: Action Army HQ GHQ(PA)


Airforce HQ GHQ(DMR)

Information: Information:MOD(CD) MA to CDS GHQ(DI)
