these people always cause sadness and misery as they have no conscience
these people always cause sadness and misery as they have no conscience
With all these immoral animalistic
instincts, they do not want to give us a break. They are very inward looking creatures, full of mischevious acts. They are champion voodoo(devil)worshippers who find it easy to keep their o ... read full comment
With all these immoral animalistic
instincts, they do not want to give us a break. They are very inward looking creatures, full of mischevious acts. They are champion voodoo(devil)worshippers who find it easy to keep their own kinsmen in
total bondage,lying and hypnotising to convict the weak and the poor of
certain crimes they never commited.
Think about the wicked practises of
the Trokosi system and the pain and shame it has brought upon many families,and yet we talk about this damn country as the land of freedom and justice. TWEEAA! Apuuuu! Where is justice? Justice has gone to the dogs.The same practices is in the
Northern Ghana ie the Gambaga Witches
Camp. These people who are practicing this very system do not value human life. I CALL UPON THE GOOD PEOPLE OF GHANA TO HELP HEAL THIS OPEN SORE OF GHANA.
ELINAN 10 years ago
As long as we are ready to think in Ghana, past,present and future that some ppl are only the evil ones and others are saints, this country shall never be the way we want it until we change and judge all based on the content ... read full comment
As long as we are ready to think in Ghana, past,present and future that some ppl are only the evil ones and others are saints, this country shall never be the way we want it until we change and judge all based on the content of their individual character.
Evil doers are in every society, so are good ppl but to waste time and energy thinking it is limited to one particular location in Ghana is just laughable to say the least.
ABU Adjei KOJO 10 years ago
Aooo perfect. When you point a finger at someone the rest point at you.Thank you.elinan
Aooo perfect. When you point a finger at someone the rest point at you.Thank you.elinan
KANIBA 10 years ago
These DOG-B-E-I-N-G-S can never stop these their ANIMALISTIC behavior. STAN DOGBEing and JUSTICE DOGBEing are twins from the TOGO BORDER.
These DOG-B-E-I-N-G-S can never stop these their ANIMALISTIC behavior. STAN DOGBEing and JUSTICE DOGBEing are twins from the TOGO BORDER.
Law Speaks 10 years ago
Who actually defiled the girl or the two of them?
Who actually defiled the girl or the two of them?
Law Speaks 10 years ago
Why later identification?
Why later identification?
Markus 10 years ago
Hi, im Markus from germany. Im coming to ghana in October for vacation. Im looking for 3-5 dominant men which use me as human toilet and force to give blow job to their dogs. my skype: alte.petze
Hi, im Markus from germany. Im coming to ghana in October for vacation. Im looking for 3-5 dominant men which use me as human toilet and force to give blow job to their dogs. my skype: alte.petze
Very bad act,
these people always cause sadness and misery as they have no conscience
With all these immoral animalistic
instincts, they do not want to give us a break. They are very inward looking creatures, full of mischevious acts. They are champion voodoo(devil)worshippers who find it easy to keep their o ...
read full comment
As long as we are ready to think in Ghana, past,present and future that some ppl are only the evil ones and others are saints, this country shall never be the way we want it until we change and judge all based on the content ...
read full comment
Aooo perfect. When you point a finger at someone the rest point at you.Thank you.elinan
These DOG-B-E-I-N-G-S can never stop these their ANIMALISTIC behavior. STAN DOGBEing and JUSTICE DOGBEing are twins from the TOGO BORDER.
Who actually defiled the girl or the two of them?
Why later identification?
Hi, im Markus from germany. Im coming to ghana in October for vacation. Im looking for 3-5 dominant men which use me as human toilet and force to give blow job to their dogs. my skype: alte.petze
A cool 50yrs in prison will do.