This is an example of careless reporting. Can anyone confirm that the reported age - 68 is correct? His son was my school mate in 1964, which is 50 years ago. Therefore, how can the father die now at 68?
This is an example of careless reporting. Can anyone confirm that the reported age - 68 is correct? His son was my school mate in 1964, which is 50 years ago. Therefore, how can the father die now at 68?
kyisan 10 years ago
That was your mate who died. He attended UG in 1964.
That was your mate who died. He attended UG in 1964.
my his soul rest in peace
RIPP Comrade
This is an example of careless reporting. Can anyone confirm that the reported age - 68 is correct? His son was my school mate in 1964, which is 50 years ago. Therefore, how can the father die now at 68?
That was your mate who died. He attended UG in 1964.