We can't be paying the inefficiency of TOR, BOST - Tarzan

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  • KWAA 10 years ago

    There is no real life in Ghana.Everything has become NDC/NPP,so we all are not facing the real difficulties in this Country.
    For the Opposition,every policy of Government is not good enough,and on the Government side no sugg ...
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  • KB,LONDON 10 years ago

    The country is paying the price for NDC inefficiencies. It is not only a matter of fuel prices going up, but effect of incompetences and mismanagement of the ruling government is weighing down heavily on the country.

  • Ghanaba 10 years ago

    price of patrol in Philadelphia this morning is $3.79 per gallon for regular. About 11ghc.if the cedi is3 to 1 american dollar

  • Aboagye 10 years ago

    This man is a total disaster. I just bought gas/ petrol right now here in America and paid $ 4.09 which is about 11.00 GHS. So which America is this useless and ignorant fool talking about? Please don't let people like this f ...
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  • YES 10 years ago


  • Kojo 10 years ago

    Aboagye it people like you who don't listen and think before they open their mouths You paid $4.09 per gallon in the US. Do you know how much US gallon is in liters? em no you don't. Let me educate you. its 3.785 liters so th ...
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  • Foreigner 10 years ago

    You need to look at the amount of tax that is in a gallon of fuel....when you state$4.09/gallon. There can be federal, state and county tax along with sales tax imbedded in the fuel price. What is the cost per litre once yo ...
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  • ohene 10 years ago

    Aboagye, please understand the issues at stake, and what the man is talking about. attacking him does not solve the problem.

  • Kwame 10 years ago

    When TLC wanted to buy BOST and invest heavily on it so that it can store more petroluem products and provide modern facilities we ghanaians were shouting that it should not be sold to a Nigerian company, we didnt allow the d ...
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  • ROY 10 years ago

    The price of fuel is dictated by the world price oil.Ghana is operating a capitalist system in which pieces are determined by market forces of demand and supply so the government cannot intervene in the economy; prices should ...
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  • STEVE 10 years ago

    Some of our politicians are just fools. They just run to radio stations and cause panic in order to polute minds of the populace because they are fighting the government to gain power. To fix our ailing economy, some drastic ...
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  • Pontius Pilate 10 years ago

    Have you checked the minimum wage of the countries you are doing the comparative analysis with?

  • Judgement Day 10 years ago

    The big question is to ask Mahama "What next? We are yours for execution. All die be die but this time round kill us with your policies.

  • Kwame 10 years ago

    The private fuel distributors are incompetent.

  • khodjo 10 years ago

    3.36 cedis a liter translates to 15.12 cedis a gallon. (4.5 liters = 1 UK gallon)That is 5.04 dollars a gallon in Ghana compared to 3.79 here

    Dont' compare liters and gallons without converting.
    If you want to compare ...
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  • nana sarpong Kumankoma 10 years ago

    Thank you Wereko, we can refer to this comment someday but why i still bear a friendly grudge is your failure to comment on this flaring of gas when we need it most today. Good afternoon bro

  • Jato 10 years ago

    What is the obsession of comparing everything Ghanaian to that of USA all the time. Why not compare with other African nations. Will America ever compare their woes to that of Ghana?
    BTW: Fuel price in U.K is 1.32# per lite ...
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