This is a sad case of waste of lives here simply because of lack of basic anti snake vaccines !
This is a sad case of waste of lives here simply because of lack of basic anti snake vaccines !
When people consciously and deliberately ignore developmental issues for political expediency, news of this sort despite unfortunate is not unusual.In 2009 some of us wrote to the then DCE Alijata currently the MP about the n ... read full comment
When people consciously and deliberately ignore developmental issues for political expediency, news of this sort despite unfortunate is not unusual.In 2009 some of us wrote to the then DCE Alijata currently the MP about the need to strengthen the PHC System in Sissala East through conscious and effective health education and programmes.In that letter to the DCE these same avoidable social menace such as snakebites and labour complications related to teenage pregnancy were mention and mechanisms to deal with them suggested.The incredible indifference and apathy the DCE showed at the time is an obvious testimony of the fact that we have political leaders in Sissala East who unfortunately do not understand crucial developmental issues in moving the district forward.Political will and commitment in developmental issues such as strengthening the Primary Health Care system in a vast area like Sissala East with inadequate health workers including doctors invariably require political leadership who understand the essence of it.Unfortunately in Sissala East political leadership characterised by paranoia and suspicion informed by inability and incompetence is our bane.Genuine discourse and debates on developmental issues are misinterpreted and misrepresented as a threat to one political position.The MP herself have had violent confrontations with doctors who air their views on pertinent issues concerning health delivery in Sissala East.In deed doctors working in Sissala East and doctors form Sissala East wrongly perceived as a threat to the MP have been brutally victimized in various forms even at the time she was DCE using her political leverage and links.When you have ignorant and ill informed political leadership who arrogantly refuse advise in obvious buoyant ego because of political power then we definitely will find ourselves in disastrous but preventable situation such as snakebites and teenage pregnancies and its attended consequences.In some jurisdiction where health is understood to be the falcrum of development direct funding in health is shared responsibility of both the MP and District Assembly.In Sissala East it is power struggle and needless antagonism between the District Assembly,the MP and the District Health Directorate to the detriment of urgent health issues.Thankfully this time it is not publication concerning a confrontation between the DCE and the Medical Director.
Krobo 10 years ago
Hold your breath, Concerned Doctor. They will not listen to you. 'yen tie obiaa' is the slogan. Their number one priority is to use taxpayer money to acquire luxury homes and vehicles for themselves and their families; all ot ... read full comment
Hold your breath, Concerned Doctor. They will not listen to you. 'yen tie obiaa' is the slogan. Their number one priority is to use taxpayer money to acquire luxury homes and vehicles for themselves and their families; all other things are not even secondary.
Ozymandias 10 years ago
Snakes in savannah areas are particularly venomous. We have to do more to save our farmers.
Snakes in savannah areas are particularly venomous. We have to do more to save our farmers.
Otsibu Darko 10 years ago
So what suggestions do you in mind for the GG to help the farmers?
So what suggestions do you in mind for the GG to help the farmers?
No. 1 Ghanaian!! USA!!! 10 years ago
There are some plants that snakes hate that can be planted on farmed lands. Also I will encourage the use of knee-high boots and rubber gloves.
There are some plants that snakes hate that can be planted on farmed lands. Also I will encourage the use of knee-high boots and rubber gloves.
MUHAMMAD KAAMIL. 10 years ago
Please dress properly with anything that will protect you from their harm,from hand gloves, long boots,bandages,overall dresses,hats,adequately ready,INSHAA-ALLAAH,you'll be fine,my father always kill snakes because he prepar ... read full comment
Please dress properly with anything that will protect you from their harm,from hand gloves, long boots,bandages,overall dresses,hats,adequately ready,INSHAA-ALLAAH,you'll be fine,my father always kill snakes because he prepare himself from their harm, WWW.ALOLOOM.NET AUTHENTIC ISLAAMIC SITE.
This is a sad case of waste of lives here simply because of lack of basic anti snake vaccines !
When people consciously and deliberately ignore developmental issues for political expediency, news of this sort despite unfortunate is not unusual.In 2009 some of us wrote to the then DCE Alijata currently the MP about the n ...
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Hold your breath, Concerned Doctor. They will not listen to you. 'yen tie obiaa' is the slogan. Their number one priority is to use taxpayer money to acquire luxury homes and vehicles for themselves and their families; all ot ...
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Snakes in savannah areas are particularly venomous. We have to do more to save our farmers.
So what suggestions do you in mind for the GG to help the farmers?
There are some plants that snakes hate that can be planted on farmed lands. Also I will encourage the use of knee-high boots and rubber gloves.
Please dress properly with anything that will protect you from their harm,from hand gloves, long boots,bandages,overall dresses,hats,adequately ready,INSHAA-ALLAAH,you'll be fine,my father always kill snakes because he prepar ...
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