Am I the only one who thinks this man is always looking for an opportunity to be noticed? What exactly is his contribution to society? What is his legacy?
Am I the only one who thinks this man is always looking for an opportunity to be noticed? What exactly is his contribution to society? What is his legacy?
Joyce 10 years ago
Ask that again Omanba Pa
Ask that again Omanba Pa
Kofi Asiedu 10 years ago
This man is engaged in useless and senseless projection of his personality . What does he offer society. Where does he take his pictures ? What does he write. What has he done for the community apart from organizing rif raffs ... read full comment
This man is engaged in useless and senseless projection of his personality . What does he offer society. Where does he take his pictures ? What does he write. What has he done for the community apart from organizing rif raffs in New York and giving them awards
Am I the only one who thinks this man is always looking for an opportunity to be noticed? What exactly is his contribution to society? What is his legacy?
Ask that again Omanba Pa
This man is engaged in useless and senseless projection of his personality . What does he offer society. Where does he take his pictures ? What does he write. What has he done for the community apart from organizing rif raffs ...
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