who made yahya amin leader of tijania muslims in GHANA He is not our leader WE EXPECT A FULL BLOODED GHANAIAN AND NOT A YORUBA NIGERIAN GHANAIAN
who made yahya amin leader of tijania muslims in GHANA He is not our leader WE EXPECT A FULL BLOODED GHANAIAN AND NOT A YORUBA NIGERIAN GHANAIAN
Coconuthead 9 years ago
How on earth can you eulogize someone when he is still alive?
How on earth can you eulogize someone when he is still alive?
GoatEater 9 years ago
It is like 'paying forward'. Or in this case 'praying forward'.
It is like 'paying forward'. Or in this case 'praying forward'.
NAVROSE 9 years ago
I guess he retired hence the word.
A eulogy (from ???????, eulogia, Classical Greek for "praise") is a speech or writing in praise of a person(s) or thing(s), especially one who recently died or retired or as a term of ende ... read full comment
I guess he retired hence the word.
A eulogy (from ???????, eulogia, Classical Greek for "praise") is a speech or writing in praise of a person(s) or thing(s), especially one who recently died or retired or as a term of endearment.
Hope this answers your question.
john mahama 9 years ago
national chief imam is gay
national chief imam is gay
VISION 9 years ago
may Allah forgive you.
may Allah forgive you.
john mahama 9 years ago
Ghana is already a same-sex country. a lot of people living in the zongo are involved in the act.
Ghana is already a same-sex country. a lot of people living in the zongo are involved in the act.
who made yahya amin leader of tijania muslims in GHANA He is not our leader WE EXPECT A FULL BLOODED GHANAIAN AND NOT A YORUBA NIGERIAN GHANAIAN
How on earth can you eulogize someone when he is still alive?
It is like 'paying forward'. Or in this case 'praying forward'.
I guess he retired hence the word.
A eulogy (from ???????, eulogia, Classical Greek for "praise") is a speech or writing in praise of a person(s) or thing(s), especially one who recently died or retired or as a term of ende ...
read full comment
national chief imam is gay
may Allah forgive you.
Ghana is already a same-sex country. a lot of people living in the zongo are involved in the act.