yes ofcourse! you started this evil party and introduced tribalism especially ewes against Akans! now the pndc/ndc evil legacy you left behind has continued and we are experiencing calamity under your this useless party calle ... read full comment
yes ofcourse! you started this evil party and introduced tribalism especially ewes against Akans! now the pndc/ndc evil legacy you left behind has continued and we are experiencing calamity under your this useless party called ndc! Ghana must do everything to get rid of ndc for good!
NDC IS A CURSE 8 years ago
John mahama Dzifa Attivor Vicky Hamma 8 years ago
That's how the revolution, through PNDC has brought us.Sorry! !!
That's how the revolution, through PNDC has brought us.Sorry! !!
Kutsii 8 years ago
Rawlings has spoken. No baga wire. JM TOASO ooooo tom
Rawlings has spoken. No baga wire. JM TOASO ooooo tom
Joe Bee 8 years ago
*Dr Esi Ansah of Ashesi University writes:*
"When people chant "toaso", what exactly do they want this administration/party to toaa so?
????The impunity?
????The shady sole-sourced deals for friends and family?
????More ... read full comment
*Dr Esi Ansah of Ashesi University writes:*
"When people chant "toaso", what exactly do they want this administration/party to toaa so?
????The impunity?
????The shady sole-sourced deals for friends and family?
????More of the inflated costs for projects?
????The insulting of our intelligence with silly explanations for siphoning of funds?
????Knee-jerk economic policies?
????Spending oil money meant for the future?
????SADA tree planting?
????SADA Akonfem deals?
????Fortiz deal?
????Ford gifts from contractors?
????6th March Brochuregate?
????Smarttys deal?
????$63,000 & $48,000 rent/month for govt. Agencies?
????Spy Bill?
????Ameri Karpower barge?
????Street Naming Company contract?
????Guantanamo invitees?
????CDB Loan?
????Airlifting of $3.5mil to Brazil? (... Mind you, the GFA boss is still there..
????GFA's inflated world cup budget?
????E&P using state equipment?
????One-Laptop-Per-Child shady deal?
????A sea of flagstaff House " communicators" who abuse journalists?
????Obscene splashing of cash for elections?
???? Do I need to go on?...
... Really, what exactly do you want them to "toaa so?"
_You obviously don't care about this nation..."_
Yussif 8 years ago
Wonderful statement from Mr Rawlings,the military should be secumspect in their statement,we all know the army chiefs current incharged of affairs,were appointed by president Mahama which put them in a natural compromise posi ... read full comment
Wonderful statement from Mr Rawlings,the military should be secumspect in their statement,we all know the army chiefs current incharged of affairs,were appointed by president Mahama which put them in a natural compromise position already so they should not speak in a manner that gives credence to this existing feelings that they re Mahama,s loyalist.They shouldn't under estimate the people power,something Mr Rawlings has always aluded to in the past and most recently in Burkina Faso when he was a special guess of honor.Political contest in different from playing your role as president and the arm forces must try and stay beyong reproach as adviced by the former president because they were civilians and ll retire as civilians.
Pepeni 8 years ago
U have no credibility as a statesman. In the face of the thievery by your party, you have uncharacteristically kept quite out of your selfish concern that a critical comment will hurt the electoral chances of the criminal en ... read full comment
U have no credibility as a statesman. In the face of the thievery by your party, you have uncharacteristically kept quite out of your selfish concern that a critical comment will hurt the electoral chances of the criminal enterprise masquerading as a political party that you founded. And this is in spite of the fact that the current crop of criminals running the party have marginalized you to the point of insignificance in your party. Shame on you. Your wife is more principled and has more credibility than you.
Ewugyadze desperate John Mahama 8 years ago
Rawlings trying to act as a saint? ??You unleashed this criminal party on us and you pretend you can have peace of mind too??
Rawlings trying to act as a saint? ??You unleashed this criminal party on us and you pretend you can have peace of mind too??
KOJO LEE 8 years ago
Osafo Kan tanka 8 years ago
We Ghanaians must wake up and resist any attempt to derail our peace by some selfish individuals who are hell bent on destroying this country.The security,military and the rest know the trouble makers.Have them trailed and on ... read full comment
We Ghanaians must wake up and resist any attempt to derail our peace by some selfish individuals who are hell bent on destroying this country.The security,military and the rest know the trouble makers.Have them trailed and on the slighted move arrest them before they ran away.We know all of them making flagrant speeches.Apprehend them on the slightest talk.
bill 8 years ago
I used to hate u into inner hell.
Please shut the fuck up and let us lick the wounds you inflicted on us.
You played the tribal card when in power, and your children in the ndc are now pitching it higher.
Just shut up and ... read full comment
I used to hate u into inner hell.
Please shut the fuck up and let us lick the wounds you inflicted on us.
You played the tribal card when in power, and your children in the ndc are now pitching it higher.
Just shut up and keep the little respect you have intact.
You saw how the akan-hater Awoonor died ?
Indeed, your wife is more principled than you.
Shut up, because you created all these mess.
One day we will bring you to justice, when the idemnity clauses are removed.
Do not be silly.
Honesty-the best policy! 8 years ago
It seems you are afraid your democratic baby is about to die while you are playing "Hide and Seek with your followers. You think you are a so-called Statesman above party politics playing with the hare while hunting with the ... read full comment
It seems you are afraid your democratic baby is about to die while you are playing "Hide and Seek with your followers. You think you are a so-called Statesman above party politics playing with the hare while hunting with the hounds. Try to be yourself. I know it is not easy but don't allow that devil of a woman you call your wife mislead you into historical oblivion. Castro stood true to his beliefs and remains an icon even in death. A word to the wise is ...
Jobbing Castrol 8 years ago
Ghana need change Mahama the power u took from the peoples u need to return back to them
Ghana need change Mahama the power u took from the peoples u need to return back to them
yes ofcourse! you started this evil party and introduced tribalism especially ewes against Akans! now the pndc/ndc evil legacy you left behind has continued and we are experiencing calamity under your this useless party calle ...
read full comment
That's how the revolution, through PNDC has brought us.Sorry! !!
Rawlings has spoken. No baga wire. JM TOASO ooooo tom
*Dr Esi Ansah of Ashesi University writes:*
"When people chant "toaso", what exactly do they want this administration/party to toaa so?
????The impunity?
????The shady sole-sourced deals for friends and family?
????More ...
read full comment
Wonderful statement from Mr Rawlings,the military should be secumspect in their statement,we all know the army chiefs current incharged of affairs,were appointed by president Mahama which put them in a natural compromise posi ...
read full comment
U have no credibility as a statesman. In the face of the thievery by your party, you have uncharacteristically kept quite out of your selfish concern that a critical comment will hurt the electoral chances of the criminal en ...
read full comment
Rawlings trying to act as a saint? ??You unleashed this criminal party on us and you pretend you can have peace of mind too??
We Ghanaians must wake up and resist any attempt to derail our peace by some selfish individuals who are hell bent on destroying this country.The security,military and the rest know the trouble makers.Have them trailed and on ...
read full comment
I used to hate u into inner hell.
Please shut the fuck up and let us lick the wounds you inflicted on us.
You played the tribal card when in power, and your children in the ndc are now pitching it higher.
Just shut up and ...
read full comment
It seems you are afraid your democratic baby is about to die while you are playing "Hide and Seek with your followers. You think you are a so-called Statesman above party politics playing with the hare while hunting with the ...
read full comment
Ghana need change Mahama the power u took from the peoples u need to return back to them