DIAMOND 7 years ago
Yes, we need him for that critical middle.
And his free-kicks, if they're on frame, are dangerous to opposing goalkeepers.
Yes, call him up.
Yes, we need him for that critical middle.
And his free-kicks, if they're on frame, are dangerous to opposing goalkeepers.
Yes, call him up.
Nii Gamashie 7 years ago
My favourite player, outstanding player when he decides to use his head. No unnecessary fouls, my guy. Best wishes Waka
My favourite player, outstanding player when he decides to use his head. No unnecessary fouls, my guy. Best wishes Waka
Yaw Mensah- USA 7 years ago
Yeah you're right. I really like him. He is aggressive and hardworking but sometomes he makes faulty tackles. I wish him the best.
Yeah you're right. I really like him. He is aggressive and hardworking but sometomes he makes faulty tackles. I wish him the best.
Joe 7 years ago
He is a decent player, but lacks the intelligence of playing professional football. He tackles unneccesary at the wrong time. He needs to time the tackles like Kante of Chelsea, and he will be fearsome player.
He is a decent player, but lacks the intelligence of playing professional football. He tackles unneccesary at the wrong time. He needs to time the tackles like Kante of Chelsea, and he will be fearsome player.
Mallam Amotia JINNI Powers+2335471222 7 years ago
... Hello people all over the world this is your number 1 spiritual consultation and problem solving center..Anybody out there whether in Ghana or any where in the world who is encountering any problem,difficulties,spiritual ... read full comment
... Hello people all over the world this is your number 1 spiritual consultation and problem solving center..Anybody out there whether in Ghana or any where in the world who is encountering any problem,difficulties,spiritual sickness or any sickness which u have fought for so long and u think the course is not physical and in any form should not hesitate to contact BLACKSUN (THE MARINE LORD) immediately for solution to your problems. If you have been to spiritualist,pastors,traditional preists, mallams or imams or taking steps or traveling to places to be free from all spiritual and demonic attacks and still not delivered or still having your problem pending,please dont waste time before is too late.Which attacks are you encountering ,whether from witchcraft,juju in our local language attacks and all sought of spiritual attacks just get in touch with BLACKSUN from Ghana.I based in USA and Ghana and currently in Ghana.People who have suffered long enough and otherwise should contact now for solution to your problems,whether is your business, illness,at your job site,money rituals,blood money, in traveling as well whether you need a visa or documents for your taveling or point of destination,anywhere in the World,favour/help from somebody whether locally or abroad or relative to help you.Any problem just get intouch . Also if you want protection from all kinds of spirits,also if you are a paster and wants powers for yourself and your church,with this one there are two types that is Gods spirit and Other spirits,with Gods spirits you do not have to charge people for what you do for them but with the Others you can charge for any services rendered..If you are also contesting election and wants to win should also get intouch whether you are a paliamentarian or seeking for the presidency.All people from all kinds and religeous and cultural background are welcome. thanks and hope to her from you all who are oppressed bye for now.This is my contact . or whatsapp (+233547122212.) NB... Nobody visits Blacksun and goes back with his or her problem
Yes, we need him for that critical middle.
And his free-kicks, if they're on frame, are dangerous to opposing goalkeepers.
Yes, call him up.
My favourite player, outstanding player when he decides to use his head. No unnecessary fouls, my guy. Best wishes Waka
Yeah you're right. I really like him. He is aggressive and hardworking but sometomes he makes faulty tackles. I wish him the best.
He is a decent player, but lacks the intelligence of playing professional football. He tackles unneccesary at the wrong time. He needs to time the tackles like Kante of Chelsea, and he will be fearsome player.
... Hello people all over the world this is your number 1 spiritual consultation and problem solving center..Anybody out there whether in Ghana or any where in the world who is encountering any problem,difficulties,spiritual ...
read full comment