DUMB fuck...running on pyramid scheme...using tax payers monies to show boat...these fools can NEVER operate a successful business...as INCOMPETENT AS THE DUMMY DRAMANI....vote Alaji. bawumia 4 president.
DUMB fuck...running on pyramid scheme...using tax payers monies to show boat...these fools can NEVER operate a successful business...as INCOMPETENT AS THE DUMMY DRAMANI....vote Alaji. bawumia 4 president.
Readi 7 years ago
This is the same fool who came out and denied allegations...if you live where I Am...you will be in jail by now...common sheperds parading as business men..buulu.
This is the same fool who came out and denied allegations...if you live where I Am...you will be in jail by now...common sheperds parading as business men..buulu.
Ghanabi 7 years ago
Much as I distaste the NDC because of their style of politicking and their myopic thinking concerning nation building and the national discourse, I strongly condemn your foreigners tag and wish that we see each other as broth ... read full comment
Much as I distaste the NDC because of their style of politicking and their myopic thinking concerning nation building and the national discourse, I strongly condemn your foreigners tag and wish that we see each other as brothers, sisters, and friends. We need the contributions of every single Ghanaian to develop Ghana. Strong debate on ideas and visions is what won us 2016. Working hard to implement the campaign promises and get Ghana working again is what will keep them in opposition for a very long time.
Ghanabi 7 years ago
Besides being awarded corrupt juicy contracts, this Agambire guy failed to fulfill his tax obligations. This will never have come to light if the NDC was still in power. I believe that there are more of such businesses affili ... read full comment
Besides being awarded corrupt juicy contracts, this Agambire guy failed to fulfill his tax obligations. This will never have come to light if the NDC was still in power. I believe that there are more of such businesses affiliated to the NDC that embarked on nation wrecking exercise that must be exposed. Some of this so-call businessmen hiding behind politicians and political parties must pay the full penalty for all the wrong doings.
Siaw 7 years ago
Short change tax payers and refuse to pay your taxes too. Thieving arsehole. These people make doing business in Ghana a big joke.
Short change tax payers and refuse to pay your taxes too. Thieving arsehole. These people make doing business in Ghana a big joke.
THE CRUSADER 7 years ago
Another kromfo tatkyiamoa,all these sub standard could have been shiiiit carriers are parrading with our monneies as suceessful men of what business,only the havens know.these same complited to kill the innocent,why wouldn't ... read full comment
Another kromfo tatkyiamoa,all these sub standard could have been shiiiit carriers are parrading with our monneies as suceessful men of what business,only the havens know.these same complited to kill the innocent,why wouldn't you shiver?.Confess?
DR RED HOT 7 years ago
Chase Agambire where ever he is and bring him to justice. He is a fraudster . Mahama created too many Pepefuo fraudsters in Ghana. The idiot is chilling in Dubai with our tax money.
Chase Agambire where ever he is and bring him to justice. He is a fraudster . Mahama created too many Pepefuo fraudsters in Ghana. The idiot is chilling in Dubai with our tax money.
DUMB fuck...running on pyramid scheme...using tax payers monies to show boat...these fools can NEVER operate a successful business...as INCOMPETENT AS THE DUMMY DRAMANI....vote Alaji. bawumia 4 president.
This is the same fool who came out and denied allegations...if you live where I Am...you will be in jail by now...common sheperds parading as business men..buulu.
Much as I distaste the NDC because of their style of politicking and their myopic thinking concerning nation building and the national discourse, I strongly condemn your foreigners tag and wish that we see each other as broth ...
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Besides being awarded corrupt juicy contracts, this Agambire guy failed to fulfill his tax obligations. This will never have come to light if the NDC was still in power. I believe that there are more of such businesses affili ...
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Short change tax payers and refuse to pay your taxes too. Thieving arsehole. These people make doing business in Ghana a big joke.
Another kromfo tatkyiamoa,all these sub standard could have been shiiiit carriers are parrading with our monneies as suceessful men of what business,only the havens know.these same complited to kill the innocent,why wouldn't ...
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Chase Agambire where ever he is and bring him to justice. He is a fraudster . Mahama created too many Pepefuo fraudsters in Ghana. The idiot is chilling in Dubai with our tax money.