Not Diasporans. A selected party faithfuls. This was not publicised among Diasporans.
Not Diasporans. A selected party faithfuls. This was not publicised among Diasporans.
insight to the bone 7 years ago
The ideology of the ndc is a reflection and manifestation of pepeni/ayigbe alliance of the destruction of Akanland values and colonization of Ghana for their personal gain. Bawumia is a thief and a liar , what innovative plan ... read full comment
The ideology of the ndc is a reflection and manifestation of pepeni/ayigbe alliance of the destruction of Akanland values and colonization of Ghana for their personal gain. Bawumia is a thief and a liar , what innovative plans , are they not all ideas that you have stolen from those who developed them. Your presentation show that they are all half baked badly prepared because those with the copyrights or did the work were not aware of you intentions . Nobody in his right mind or with any true understanding of the science of development of nations would ever turn to the Chinese for any solutions and we in Ghana should know better , just look at what they did to us in the NDC 8 years , idiot.Wherever Chinese influence and capital is dominant the people are backward , retrogressing and in misery, thats a fact. We know that Bawumia must have used his mallams to do juju on Nana so Nana is blind to all this stupidity coming from this very toxic fool Bawumia. I am going to break things down here for all to understand. Being able to read or being literate doesn't mean you are educated no matter how many Phd degrees you can boast off. on the issue of galamsey what really destroys our country causing the poisoning of the waters and barrenness of the land are the heavy metals including mercury and cyanide. The quantities of this product could not be imported into this country without the political blessing and pro-activism of both the exporting country China and ours. China is an exporter of economic terrorism and undermining our economic potential by actively corrupting our willing politicians and strategically destroying the future of our children. These are the allies of pepeni Bawumia , Mahama and all other Akan haters and their traitors amongst us. Where in the world today could you transport such quantities of these poisons mercury , cyanide and such without it being monitored? Can China claim they didnt know? the bill to now sort out the sanitation , water cleaning and waste management is now over $ 40 billion DOLLARS. Why do we we need Chinese money when the American EXIM bank has publicly offered us tens of billions with the much needed technology yet they are ignored as only Chinese and arab/muslim money is acceptable? I have said many times that the corner stone of any country's development are the diaspora , check Germany Japan China etc but in our country infested by Islamic stupidity we have rather a whole ministry for Zongo stupidity instead of just deporting them.the pepeni /ayigbe conspirators together with their Muslim and Chinese allies continue unabated to destroy our Akanland and push our people into poverty under the watch of kwasiapsanyin Nana Addo. NDC lost the elections because most Akans and patriotic citizens realized this party does not appreciate or reflect the true interests of the people but rather its a mafia criminal organization that will cause the eventual bloodshed among our people. After the death /murder of Mills NDC lost all its appeal and there was no hope it would ever get back on the right track to serve the interests of the people.NDC is a disappointment and will end up on the landfill of rubbish organizations . NPP from the looks of things will most likely also be joining them soon and in their place the AKAN freedom movement will rise. Anytime an Akan actually does something good or worthy for the nation some pepeni , ayigbe , Muslim or some other minority comes and destroys everything dead, that is the fact. 58% of our bauxite was handed over as a step to colonize the wealth of the Akan , were in the world would a minority be given such privileges if it was not to undermine the majority. All natural resources should be nationalized including gold , then properly developed as sustainable businesses then privatized through a coupon system so all citizens become direct owners . We are definitely a nation of idiotic fools , i have for a while decided to hold my peace because it seemed we have a sensible finance minister making the right moves but this toxic pepeni kwasiapanyin Bawumia has erased all good. Atta Mills went to bed with this Satan and it cost him his life together with 200,000 hardened criminals they sent here that have poisoned our water bodies and long term devastated our economy. China has ignored over a billion of their citizens in dire need of the entering into the post industrial era and come here and promise WHAT? I said that this Bawumia is the reincarnation of the devil and evil that air brained Nana has put in his office. He continues with his project of the islamisation of Ghana with the establishment of an Islamic university to breed toxic propagators of evil in our land. He blocks all Akan diaspora private capital in the tens of billions because its from primarily Christian countries. Where in the world has China given capital , technology and industry for another country to develop? The only reason why this is on the table is to make Ghana a suspicious ally at best to our western civilizations and other christian countries . We saw an influx of Islamic money which we don't need yet everyone played dumb because the political oligarchy is playing ball with the Muslim caliphate and soon our stubborn Christians will start seeing their children's throats being turned toward Mecca like goats and slashed . My brothers arm yourselves like our friends in Denkyira but wait for the clarion call to wipe out this cancer amongst us. Enough is enough
Counselor 7 years ago
Baba the so called Ghanaian diasporans were selected NPP members masquerading as Ghanaian diasporans. Those selected by NPP do not represent Ghanaians abroad and never will.
Baba the so called Ghanaian diasporans were selected NPP members masquerading as Ghanaian diasporans. Those selected by NPP do not represent Ghanaians abroad and never will.
Kee 7 years ago
Pixie 7 years ago
What a bunch of articulate guys and gals with well-spoken ideas and ideals.
All on point!
No digity!
What a bunch of articulate guys and gals with well-spoken ideas and ideals.
All on point!
No digity!
Prof 7 years ago
We need this to be coordinated with the national development Planning Commission this is just scratching the surface. each and every government comes and does something like this and it doesn't go a long way to benefit the co ... read full comment
We need this to be coordinated with the national development Planning Commission this is just scratching the surface. each and every government comes and does something like this and it doesn't go a long way to benefit the country. if this is institutionalized and we have an agency that deals with this no matter what the party color of the government is, they can be more beneficial to the country because it seems every political party that comes into government has a different plan when it comes to things like this and it's not helpful.
Yaa Nkosuo 7 years ago
I attended on the first day; teething problems with collecting Registration documents.
Exhibitors were organized but few. The few that came were knowledgeable; still waiting for feedback from exhibitors I contacted especial ... read full comment
I attended on the first day; teething problems with collecting Registration documents.
Exhibitors were organized but few. The few that came were knowledgeable; still waiting for feedback from exhibitors I contacted especially E-com so wake up Miss Olga, Richard!!
Organizers looked after you as well.
Apart from Asabee and another Presidential staffer, I didn't see relevant Ministry staffers or Ministers
Martin 7 years ago
Anyone who heeds this call to return to Ghana to aid in its development should have his or her examined. Ghana's bureaucracy and work ethics is not conducive to economic development. Any welling meaning diasporan in order to ... read full comment
Anyone who heeds this call to return to Ghana to aid in its development should have his or her examined. Ghana's bureaucracy and work ethics is not conducive to economic development. Any welling meaning diasporan in order to succeed in the country, will eventually have to succumb to the Ghanaian way of doing things.
anokwale 7 years ago
Although such meetings are necessary, they have to be truthful. If you do not have deep pockets to handle the start up costs you cannot move back to Ghana. You have to be the kind of person who has saved up money and is will ... read full comment
Although such meetings are necessary, they have to be truthful. If you do not have deep pockets to handle the start up costs you cannot move back to Ghana. You have to be the kind of person who has saved up money and is willing to take the risk of losing your initial investment. It is simply a gamble. People are scared of the truth but that is how it is.
Kwame 7 years ago
I have applied for a security licence for almost 1 year now and how do I come home if you want the diaspora to come it's not going to work the BNI it's still holding my documents and you said we should bring jobs back home an ... read full comment
I have applied for a security licence for almost 1 year now and how do I come home if you want the diaspora to come it's not going to work the BNI it's still holding my documents and you said we should bring jobs back home and I don't have the licence for one year
Minta 7 years ago
If you are concerned about the avoidable circumstances, the deputy minister of labour will tell you:
"Nobody likes whiners.People that spend all time whining all the time get on people's nerves, so stop whining. Stop sayin ... read full comment
If you are concerned about the avoidable circumstances, the deputy minister of labour will tell you:
"Nobody likes whiners.People that spend all time whining all the time get on people's nerves, so stop whining. Stop saying "this doesn't work, this doesn't work, this doesn't work. Please we know it doesn't work, so stop whining all the time saying it doesn't work. If it works, you probably wouldn't be sitting there. So nobody likes whiners, so stop whining.
Banana 7 years ago
Venue..where was the conference held?..bad story
Venue..where was the conference held?..bad story
Panache 7 years ago
Accra International Conference Center (AICC).
The police council was inaugurated and reported on these pages yesterday.
Was scratching everywhere within the story for a list of the members appointed, but it was nowher ... read full comment
Accra International Conference Center (AICC).
The police council was inaugurated and reported on these pages yesterday.
Was scratching everywhere within the story for a list of the members appointed, but it was nowhere to be found
Had to google to find the list somewhere else.
You wonder if standards have drastically dropped at GIJ or that's the new crop of current JSS newsmen parading as journalists.
Adika 7 years ago
What a brilliant idea this is. Hopefully our children born in the diaspora can also contribute to the economic development of Ghana.
What a brilliant idea this is. Hopefully our children born in the diaspora can also contribute to the economic development of Ghana.
Rev. Dr. Kyere Nkansah 7 years ago
This is very good to Start with, yet we still need to make tools available for diasporans. For example one should be able to get the detail information online on how to register a company in Ghana without consulting anyone ... read full comment
This is very good to Start with, yet we still need to make tools available for diasporans. For example one should be able to get the detail information online on how to register a company in Ghana without consulting anyone . If this is available online, the problem we always go through, to middle man will stop and bribery will also cease.
Joe 7 years ago
This is rubbish!
This is rubbish!
Whinie Ahomka Lindsey 7 years ago
County Judge Ed Emmett has appointed Kwame B. Acheampong to the newly created Harris County International Advisory Council.
The core responsibility of the Advisory Council is to advice the County Judge and the Commissioner ... read full comment
County Judge Ed Emmett has appointed Kwame B. Acheampong to the newly created Harris County International Advisory Council.
The core responsibility of the Advisory Council is to advice the County Judge and the Commissioners Court on economic development opportunities involving foreign countries and businesses.
Harris County is the largest county in terms of population - over four million and with enormous resources in the State of Texas and the fourth largest county in the United States.
Kwame, a long-time resident of Harris County brings to the Advisory Council an experience in international business development. He is a businessman and expert in public policy and local government development.
He has previously served in a similar capacity for Harris County by promoting small to medium-sized businesses in Harris County, the Gulf Region of Mexico and The Caribbean.
He also served as Ghana’s Trade and Investment Representative to the United States under Ministry of Trade & Industry, Private Sector Development and President’s Special Initiatives during President Kufuor’s government. He has for 16 years served as an Adjunct Professor of Government at the Houston Community College.
The Harris County International Advisory Council envisions to expand trade missions abroad from Harris County and its neighboring counties while effectively interacting with foreign delegations that visit the county which includes City of Houston.
”I will endeavor to leverage my presence on the Council to promote Ghana as an attractive investment destination to the numerous CEOs and business executives I will have the privilege of interacting with.
Houston is the energy capital of the world and Harris County has a strong medical research and aerospace technology presence, as well as the third largest port in the United States and I believe all of these will present some opportunistic synergies for Ghana”, according to Mr. Acheampong.
Kwame is a graduate of Rice University and the prestigious Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin.
Not Diasporans. A selected party faithfuls. This was not publicised among Diasporans.
The ideology of the ndc is a reflection and manifestation of pepeni/ayigbe alliance of the destruction of Akanland values and colonization of Ghana for their personal gain. Bawumia is a thief and a liar , what innovative plan ...
read full comment
Baba the so called Ghanaian diasporans were selected NPP members masquerading as Ghanaian diasporans. Those selected by NPP do not represent Ghanaians abroad and never will.
What a bunch of articulate guys and gals with well-spoken ideas and ideals.
All on point!
No digity!
We need this to be coordinated with the national development Planning Commission this is just scratching the surface. each and every government comes and does something like this and it doesn't go a long way to benefit the co ...
read full comment
I attended on the first day; teething problems with collecting Registration documents.
Exhibitors were organized but few. The few that came were knowledgeable; still waiting for feedback from exhibitors I contacted especial ...
read full comment
Anyone who heeds this call to return to Ghana to aid in its development should have his or her examined. Ghana's bureaucracy and work ethics is not conducive to economic development. Any welling meaning diasporan in order to ...
read full comment
Although such meetings are necessary, they have to be truthful. If you do not have deep pockets to handle the start up costs you cannot move back to Ghana. You have to be the kind of person who has saved up money and is will ...
read full comment
I have applied for a security licence for almost 1 year now and how do I come home if you want the diaspora to come it's not going to work the BNI it's still holding my documents and you said we should bring jobs back home an ...
read full comment
If you are concerned about the avoidable circumstances, the deputy minister of labour will tell you:
"Nobody likes whiners.People that spend all time whining all the time get on people's nerves, so stop whining. Stop sayin ...
read full comment
Venue..where was the conference held?..bad story
Accra International Conference Center (AICC).
The police council was inaugurated and reported on these pages yesterday.
Was scratching everywhere within the story for a list of the members appointed, but it was nowher ...
read full comment
What a brilliant idea this is. Hopefully our children born in the diaspora can also contribute to the economic development of Ghana.
This is very good to Start with, yet we still need to make tools available for diasporans. For example one should be able to get the detail information online on how to register a company in Ghana without consulting anyone ...
read full comment
This is rubbish!
County Judge Ed Emmett has appointed Kwame B. Acheampong to the newly created Harris County International Advisory Council.
The core responsibility of the Advisory Council is to advice the County Judge and the Commissioner ...
read full comment