General News of Monday, 20 November 2017


Women’s organizer rebuked for attacking Bugri Naabu

Bugri Naabu,  NPP's Northern Regional Chairman Bugri Naabu, NPP's Northern Regional Chairman

The leadership of the governing New Patriotic Party in the Volta region have condemned their Women Organizer, Madam Aku Sika Nkansah for verbal assaulting the NPP”s Northern Regional Chairman, Mr. Daniel Bugri Naabu.

Madam Nkansah, who is also the Volta Regional Coordinator of the National School feeding programme, some weeks ago, was heard in a widely circulated audio recording pouring invectives on Mr. Naabu for his brawl with some zonal coordinators of the feeding programme in the Northern region.

However, in a statement issued and signed by the NPP’s Regional Secretary, Mr. Joseph Homenya on Sunday, the party has distanced itself from those utterances of the Women Organizer, stating that, those comments do not reflect the aspirations of the regional party to live in harmony with other NPP branches across the country.

The statement has therefore called on the regional Women Organizer to apologise unreservedly to Mr. Naabu and the entirety of the NPP for her misconduct.

“We wish to put on record that, at an emergency meeting of the Regional officers held in Ho, we made if known to Madam Aku Sika that, her behaviour was unacceptable and must therefore render an unqualified apology to Mr. Bugri Naabu, the entire hierarchy of the NPP and the people of Northern region, the National party and H.E the President of the Republic.”