Business News of Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Source: AirtelTigo

AirtelTigo celebrates first anniversary with an eye towards growth and innovation

AirtelTigo staff celebrating one-year anniversary AirtelTigo staff celebrating one-year anniversary

This month, AirtelTigo, the country’s second-largest telecommunications operator is marking its historic one-year anniversary with a long-term strategy to pursue growth, innovation and transforming lives in communities.

In a message to employees, the Chief Executive Officer for AirtelTigo, Mrs Mitwa Ng’ambi, commended the staff for their professionalism, expertise and determination during the integration period.

“I commend you all for your contribution to our organization and I’m proud of you for being part of the first telecommunications merger in Ghana. You have made history and reflecting on the past year comes to mind the significant role you have played for us to achieve our key milestones,” said Mrs Ng’ambi.

“As we celebrate our one-year anniversary, I am excited to announce that we have successfully completed our nationwide network integration and major upgrades. This marks the beginning of a new chapter for AirtelTigo, where we aim to deliver innovative solutions and an even greater experience for customers across all our touch points,” she told employees.

Through the one big network, customers stand to benefit from a wider network coverage and improved internet speeds, backed with affordable and innovative offers. The company will also provide businesses with solutions to accelerate digital transformation and growth.

Mrs Ng’ambi pointed out that the company has a line-up of activities to celebrate the anniversary by showing its appreciation to its staff, customers and other stakeholders for their contribution in the journey thus far.

She expressed the company’s gratitude to all stakeholders for their support, patience and understanding throughout the network upgrade process.
