General News of Tuesday, 25 January 2005

Source: GRi/GHP

Fobih Fumbles

Parliament was thrown into ecstasy when the appointment committee vetting the President?s nominee for Lands, Forestry and mines, Prof. Dominic Fobih, posed a question, ?Can you please recite the National Pledge??

Professor Dominic Fobih sat there speechless while the entire appointment committee members gazed at him with surprise although he had performed creditably initially.

The Chairman of the Committee, Freddie Blay, came to his rescue by reciting the National Pledge.

The Minority Leader Alban Bagbin explained the reason behind the question as an idea to imbibe in Politicians the importance of being guided by the words of the National Pledge and Anthem ?it will also encourage others to do same.?

?It is a sign of Patriotism when one recites and has knowledge of the National Pledge. It inspires goodwill on the part of Politicians and Ghanaians in general? Bagbin said.

The unfortunate incident of the Minister of Lands, Forestry and Mines designate, Professor Dominic Fohih at the Parliament appointment committee has set the Agenda for civil society to revisit the recital of the National Pledge and Anthem at public places