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Sports News of Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Source: Kofi Ansah, Contributor

Ambassador Ray Quarcoo commiserate with Azumah Nelson

Goodwill Sports Ambassador Ray Quarcoo and Azumah Nelson Goodwill Sports Ambassador Ray Quarcoo and Azumah Nelson

Goodwill Sports Ambassador Ray Quarcoo last Saturday joined hundreds of people to mourn with boxing legend Azumah Nelson in Accra.

The Haiti Consul General, a former president of the Ghana Amateur Boxing Federation joined many dignitaries to give the boxing great's mother a befitting burial.

"There is no doubt about the fact that Azumah has paid his dues, and of course, it is right and proper that we honour the womb that carried such a personality trait and raised the flag of Ghana aloft. We are here to mourn with him and to pay our last respect to the late mom."

The three-time world champion reigned for over a decade.