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Sports News of Friday, 3 March 2023


Asafa Powell shocked by absence of running tracks at Accra Sports Stadium

Jamaican sprinter, Asafa Powell Jamaican sprinter, Asafa Powell

Jamaican sprinter, Asafa Powell has called for the installation of running tracts at stadia across the country to help improve athletics in Ghana.

The former 100m world champion who went on a tour at the Accra Sports Stadium expressed his shock and worry at how there was no running tracks to host competitions like athletics at the stadium.

According to the retired athlete, the construction of athletics tracks at sporting facilities would develop the sport and encourage young talents to stay focused on the sport.

Speaking during a visit to the National Sports Authority, the Jamaican Sprint king urged the government to invest in developing athletics by making tracks available.

"I was surprised not to see running tracks walking around the Accra Stadium in the capital city and I believe something should be done about it.

"Athletics is big and I think it has a lot to offer talented athletes, especially from poor backgrounds by moving them out of poverty," Powell said.

"I think the government must do something about it by ensuring every sporting facility in Ghana has a running track to help unearth and nurture talents for the future," he said.

Asafa Powell who is married to Ghanaian-American, Alyshia Akua Miller arrived in Ghana on Monday, February 27, 2023.

Asafa Powell is expected to visit some schools in Ghana to inspire upcoming athletes in the country.

The Jamaican has also been scheduled to meet President Nana Addo-Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

Asafa Powell is the fourth-fastest man in history with a personal best of 9.72 seconds