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Boxing News of Tuesday, 23 September 2003

Source: GNA

Baba to fight before the year ends

Accra, Sept 23, GNA- Alex Ali Baba, former WBC International flyweight champion has said judges should refrain from being bias during boxing contests since this will not augur well for the sport.

Speaking to the GNA Sports on Tuesday, Ali Baba who lost a recent fight to Anyatei Laryea, the National and West African bantamweight title-holder at the Kaneshie Sports Complex, said the decision by the judges in that fight was done to favour his opponent. He said if even he lost the judges' decision to make Anyatei the winner with a vary big gab in points gives room for one to smell a deal.

'The decision they took was bad, it should have been a bit closer, it looks as if I did not even throw a punch at all', he fumed. Baba who has just started training said he has no plans of throwing a re-match because we are not in the same weight division adding that his opponent only wanted to fight him to gain recognition for himself. He however said he hopes to fight an opponent, yet to be named, before the year ends since porters have already started working towards that end.

'Its not over till its over, with God all things are possible, I will definitely come back", the boxer added.