Sports News of Tuesday, 20 November 2018


Bastie Samir to return to USA

Bastie Samir has been tipped as a potential world championafter a series of good performances Bastie Samir has been tipped as a potential world championafter a series of good performances

Sensational Bastie Samir will make a return to the ring in the United States of America (USA) in February 2019, to relaunch his chase for a world title.

The decision to move back to the USA is to enable the boxer to have more fights to enhance his records.

Local trainer, Ofori Asare said, his boxer was not getting the needed fights and his only source of income was boxing hence the need to move back to the USA to have more competitions.

"The best way to make him earn a living is to go to where they box and that is Europe or the United States of America (USA).

"Bastie is hungry to devour and he needs tough opponents to prepare him for the world title.

"We are ready for the world champions," he stated.
