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Sports News of Sunday, 23 April 2023

Source: Real News

Black Stars Captain Andrew Dede Ayew sends Ghanaians message

Andre Ayew ith the Chief Imam Andre Ayew ith the Chief Imam

In his annual Eid message, Andre Ayew expressed his best wishes for everyone.
In his 2023 Eid message, Andre Ayew of Nottingham Forest wished everyone well.

A month after observing the annual Ramadan fast, the footballers sent a message of happiness to Muslims around the world.

On Instagram, he shared a picture he had taken during one of his visits to Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu, the National Chief Imam of Ghana.

As the Muslim world celebrates Eid, his caption conveys a message of goodwill.

Alhamdulillah, we have effectively completed one month of fasting, charity, and prayer, as reported by Andre Ayew. May Allah accept our prayers and good actions as we celebrate with family and friends. Eid Mubarak"

During the holy month, Andre Ayew donated provisions to over 200 needy families in Tamale.