Sports News of Tuesday, 24 March 2020


Christian Atsu can't leave Ghana as government shutdown airspace

Christian Atsu, Newcastle United winger Christian Atsu, Newcastle United winger

Newcastle United winger Christian Atsu can't leave his native Ghana after government shut down the country's airspace.

The 28-year-old sneaked into the West African nation well in time as the shutdown begins to bite.

The English Premier League is expected to return until at least April 30 due to the pandemic.

Ghana's government has shut down the country's airspace and borders amid the virus pandemic which has skyrocketed to 52 positive cases in the West African nation.

The situation means the wideman cannot travel to England, who have also imposed travel restrictions with no end in sight to when the situation could be brought under control.

Global leaders are racing against time to find a vaccine and fast as the deadly virus continues to wreck havoc - bringing football activities to a complete halt.

Footballers have also been affected by the situation which threatens humanity.