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Soccer News of Monday, 18 October 2004

Source: GNA

Coconut Grove Sharks thrash Vision Stars

Elmina Oct.18, GNA - Coconut Grove Sharks on Sunday thrashed Vision Stars 5-0 in their Second Division league match at the Elmina SSNIT football park.

Inside-left Nicholas Dadson scored the opening goal in the 24th minute of the first half.

On resumption of the second half, Sharks improved on their performance and scored four more goals in the 49th, 64th, 66th and 78th minutes through Torfic Mohammed, Joseph Amoah-Mensah, Dadson and Benjamin Simpson, respectively.

Vision Stars who looked visibly tired missed two clear chances in the 70th and 75th minutes to at least get a consolation goal or reduce the tally till the referees whistle for the end of proceedings.