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Soccer News of Tuesday, 13 January 2004

Source: GNA

Court orders Hearts to pay 33 million to Dawu

Accra, Jan 13. GNA - An Accra High Court on Tuesday ordered Accra Hearts of Oak Sporting Club to pay within seven days 33 million cedis to former Premier League campaigners Dawu Youngsters Football Club to conclude the transfer fee of Awudu Adama who was transferred to Hearts during the 2002 league season.

This follows a suit filed by Dawu Youngsters against Hearts last month over the failure of Hearts to pay the remainder of 33 million cedis after Adama was transferred to Hearts for 83 million cedis in 2002.

The court presided over by Justice Richard Asamaoh also ordered Hearts to pay the amount with an interest to be calculated from June 30, 2002 to January 13, 2004 and an additional cost of Three million cedis. Officials of Hearts were not at the court to make their defence as the judge passed the judgement whilst Nutifafa Kuenyehia represented Dawu Youngsters.

Dawu Youngsters on April 22, 2002 transferred Awudu Adama to Accra Hearts of Oak for 83 milllion cedis out of which Hearts paid 50 milllion cedis with a promise of settling the rest by the end of June 2002. However, after several reminders to Hearts for payment of the balance without response, Dawu decided to seek redress at the courts. Awudu Adama is among the 14 players Accra Hearts of Oak placed on transfer this season.