Soccer News of Friday, 14 October 2005

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ECOWAS Salutes CIV, Ghana, Togo

The Executive Secretary of ECOWAS, Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, has congratulated the people and governments of Cote d?Ivoire, Ghana and Togo for their qualification for the World Cup finals to be played in Germany in 2006.

He said though it was regrettable that other footballing nations in the region could not make it to the World Cup this time, ?we are nevertheless gladdened by the fact that West Africa was able to capture three out of the five places earmarked for Africa in the finals.?

He said that by this feat, the ECOWAS region has sent a strong signal to the rest of the world that the region abounds in football talent, waiting to be harnessed.

The Executive Secretary also congratulated the West African Football Union (WAFU) for its role in raising the standard of football in the region. In a statement to the Union?s president, Mr. Jacques Anoma, Dr. Chambas reiterated ECOWAS? continued support to the Union to ensure its success.

In the same vain, the draws for the ECOWAS 30th Anniversary Under-20 football tournament held at the ECOWAS Secretariat yesterday in Abuja, and has pitched age-long rivals Nigeria and Ghana together.

Those present at the draws were ECOWAS Ambassadors from Cote d?Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana and Nigeria - the four member states to feature in the finals that will take place in Lagos from November 21-28.

The draws, which were conducted by the Secretary-General of the West African Football Union, Mr. Traore Abou, saw Gambia and Cote d?Ivoire facing each other. Nigeria was the first team to be picked but according to the rules, the host country would play the second match of the day, which will be at 6 p.m. while the match between Gambia ? Cote d?Ivoire will be played at 4 p.m.