Soccer News of Thursday, 2 July 2015


F.C Tanga needs our support - Hon. Daniel Syme


The Deputy Upper East Regional Minister, Daniel Syme, has called for the supports of the entire region, to enable F.C TANGA qualify for the First Division and subsequently to the Premier League of Ghana.

According to him, the 2nd Division club has shown its readiness and ability to wave the flag of the Upper East region high across the country and the world, hence the need for everyone in the region and from the region to support the club.

"There were time when the Upper East was the centre of attraction in Ghana, and many people came from far and near to listen to Uppers International Band playing. This time, F.C TANGA seem to be proving itself capable of being the next thing that will make the Upper East popular and draw people's attention to the region. I expect everybody to pray for the club and its investors to get to the lime light. Once that happens, other good things will follow and the region, as well as other football clubs will benefit." The Deputy Minister appealed.

Hon. Daniel Syme was speaking at the launch of F.C TANGA's official website, at the plush SSNIT conference hall in Bolgatanga.

The 2nd Division club qualified from the 3rd Division league without losing a match and has shown the capability of going through the 2nd Division league unbeaten. At the end of the first round of the 2nd Division League, F.C TANGA topped the Zone two with 12 points and 10 goals.

Head Coach, Kamara Dini who was appointed in May 2015, is expected to qualify F.C TANGA to the National First Division League and the F.A League. In the near future, Management expect the Head Coach and his Assistant, Fatawu Salifu to qualify the team for the Premier League, which has really been the desire of the whole of the Upper East region.

Regional Chairman of the Referees Association of Ghana, Referee Ouadrougou called on members of the TANGA Supporters Union to always comport themselves at the Stadium and cheer their team to victory to victory and avoid at attempt to attack match officials, whether home or away.

"If you misconduct yourselves at the Stadium, and there happens to be a punishment, it will go to your club and am sure this wouldn't be the kind of support the club will be expecting from you. The Referees have been training to be neutral and apply the laws of the game. If at any point any Referee decides to be bias, they will be seen and they will have their image to protect or repair." Referee Ouadragou

Some players who excelled in previous matches were awarded with Best Player plaques. The Upper East Regional Chairman of GPRTU, Mr. Abolgbire and the Deputy Upper East Regional Minister, Hon. Daniel Syme for the contribution to the development of football and clubs in the region.