Hockey News of Thursday, 29 September 2005

Source: --

Final Preparations for Ghana National Hockey Teams

The National Men and Women?s hockey teams tested their battle readiness with practice matches against South African select sides on Wednesday evening. In the end it was a 4-1 win for both teams who indicated with their performance how ready they were to take on the rest of Africa.

The Matches started with women who were rather casual in the beginning until they received a rude awakening when the South African turned made their dominance count by scoring a goal. The coaches rose to their feet to inject some urgency into the game of the team. Indeed, this paid off when they cancelled the deficit minutes later and totally dominated the South Africans in every department of the game. The team made their dominance count with a succession of goals to end the match 4-1 and leaving their coaches quite pleased with the performance. A rather calm Coach Abaidoo indicated that the handlers were happy with the performance but would smoothen the few rough edges that they observed ahead of the competition. The players were obviously satisfied with the performance but were quick to admit that they need to step-up if they are to put up a good performance on the big stage. The team will play their last practice match on Friday 29 September and tune-up for Sunday when they take on rivals Nigeria at 10:30 Hrs local time.

The men were in awesome form tearing apart another select side 4-1. It was not so much the scoreline which could have even be wider but the team play which was an indication of the preparedness to face the rest of Africa. An elated coaching staff led by Winfred Sackey indicated their satisfaction, but were also cautious that the battle ahead was difficult. Bits and pieces they picked about the South African and Egyptian teams indicated that they have been on a series of preparatory trips outside their countries and were leaving nothing to chance in their bid to wrestle the qualification spots for the world cup in 2006. The coaches however remain optimistic and are confident the team stands a chance of grabbing a world cup spot. The men?s team will commence their challenge with a grueling encounter with Egypt on Saturday October 1 at 14:30 hrs local time and have South Africa to contend with on Sunday. The spirit is high and the men and women to do battle for the country are very motivated to do so.