Sports News of Thursday, 9 February 2023


Foolish talk - Dan Kwaku Yeboah slams Suame NDC executive for 'be ready to kill for power' comment

Peace FM sports broadcaster, Dan Kweku Yeboah Peace FM sports broadcaster, Dan Kweku Yeboah

Ace sports journalist, Dan Kwaku Yeboah has descended on Razak Kaumpa Avoliya, the youth organizer of the Suame branch of the National Democratic Congress' (NDC) for making inciteful comments ahead of the 2024 elections.

Razak Kaumpa Avoliya went viral on Monday, February 6, 2023, after he charged members of the NDC not to hesitate to shed blood if that is what it will take the party to win power.

The comments by Razak Kaumpa Avoliya triggered his arrest by the police but Dan Kwaku Yeboah believes that people who make such comments should be handed over to the military for immediate disciplinary actions.

"If he part of the people who will lay down their lives for NDC to win power? People just wake up and spew nonsense in the name of politics. War is not something that we should tolerate because it is not a pleasant thing. You can't even wish it for your enemy."

"This shouldn't be a police matter, they should make the military discipline him and that will reform him because the whole court proceedings will be too long," Dan Kwaku Yeboah added sarcastically on Peace FM monitored by GhanaWeb.

What did Razak Kaumpa Avoliya say

“As journalists, you were witnesses to a situation where people were shot and killed in the 2020 elections. So standing here today, I am to make sure that no NPP member can come and kill me.

"So we are in and I will advise every true NDC member that in the 2024 elections when it becomes necessary to kill someone to win, kill them; even if it requires that you shoot someone or club them to win us power do it,” he told a journalist with Oyerepa FM.

Razak Kaumpa Avoliya was arranged before court on Thursday, February 9, 2023.