Sports News of Friday, 28 April 2017


Football administrator Takyi Arhin hits out at Sports Minister Isaac Asiamah

Isaac Asiamah - Sports Minister Isaac Asiamah - Sports Minister

The CEO of Berlin FC, Takyi Arhin who is known in the sports arena as ‘’Tender’’ has mounted a circumscribed attack on the minister of Youth and sports Hon. Isaac Asiama following his [Isaac Asiama] consistent voice in the media and on the radio.

The Member of Parliament for Atwima Mponua constituency has been talking about the activities of the GFA especially the GNPC sponsorship package for the Black Stars for the past two weeks and Takyi Arhin who is very critical and passionate about Ghana sports believes the Hon. Sports minister has made talking override his duties .

In an interview with Asempa FM, the astute football administrator explained that Hon. Isaac Asiama criticized the immediate past sports minister, Hon. Nii Lante Vanderpuye destructively for talking too much on radio at the expense of discharging his duties when he was at the opposition but he Isaac Asiama has now rather been talking more than Nii Lante did with a lot of ‘’lip services’’ just three months he was being sworn in as the new sports minister.

’’ I think Hon. Isaac Asiama is talking too much than he is performing his duties and I’m surprised because when Hon. Asiama was at opposition, he was consistently criticizing Nii Lante Vanderpuye for talking too much on the radio but right now he is talking more than Nii Lante did. I think the sports minister should lower down his talking and give the GFA a peace of mind to do their work’’. He told Asempa FM Sports morning show.

Hon Isaac Asiama is working tirelessly to get the GNPC sponsorship back for the Black Stars.