Boxing News of Monday, 12 September 2011

Source: boxingnews24.

GBA protesting Jamie Cox – Obodai Sai results

..... to the Commonwealth Boxing Council to review fight

By Scott Gilfoid: In another controversial United Kingdom bout that happened recently between Jamie Cox (16-0, 9 KO’s) and Commonwealth light middleweight champion Obodai Sai (15-1, 10 KOs’) last Friday night in which Cox won the fight by a very questionable decision, the Ghana Boxing Authority is reportedly protested the results to the Commonwealth Boxing Council to see if they can get the fight results overturned or at the very least a rematch called between the two fighters.

If you had the displeasure to see this fight, you’ll no doubt have already seen that Sai should have been given the decision based on his cleaner landing shots and his dominance in the second half of the fight power punches. But what really stood out for me in this bout was the astronomical number of low blows that Cox landed. I mean, God, the guy was teeing off all night long. To be honest, I lost count after his 20th low blow and was just flat out sickened by the whole the thing. Sure, the referee took a couple of points away from Cox, but when you got a fighter that is failing to respond to penalization’s you’re supposed to disqualify them, aren’t you? Maybe I’m missing something, maybe this is just another thing that they do in the UK that’s different from elsewhere.

But I think you’re supposed to yank that fighter when they keep teeing off with low blows like Cox was doing. He seemed to ease up a bit after the 9th, but he was still landing at least one or two good low blows in every round after that point. But if you just ignore the low blows for a second, Said still should have won the fight. He was landing the better shots and working over a tired Cox. But I guess this is just another one of those great decisions that we sometimes get in the UK, eh?

I saw a beauty of a horrible decision in the Paul McCloskey vs. Breidis Prescott fight last Saturday night in Northern Ireland that I felt was even worse than the Cox-Sai fight, but if you look around you’ll notice that a lot of Brits and Irish are perfectly okay with that decision. So, I guess the Cox-Sai fight are pretty much par for the course for over there.

But what I liked about the Cox fight was his comments after the fight, saying “It depends on what you call low. You know I won the verdict, the referee is in there to do his job. He did what was right, and there’s judges around the ring. You better ask the judges that question.”

What a lousy excuse for throwing blows! Couldn’t Cox think of a better explanation than that? He was putting it on the judges.

As for the fight results being overturned that isn’t going to happen. If anything, Sai may get a rematch if he’s lucky but what’s the point if he’s not going be given a decision? We’ll just have another fight just like this one, but maybe without the low blows and still get a controversial decision.