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Sports News of Friday, 9 March 2012

Source: GNA

GFA, Stevanovic for a stormy showdown

Accra , Mar 09, GNA -The Ghana Football Association (GFA) and Black Stars head coach, Goran Stevanovic could be heading for a stormy showdown should the GFA severe ties with the Serbian next week.

Information gathered by GNA Sports indicates that coach Stevanovic would be the biggest winner in the event that the GFA decides against his continuous stay as head coach of the senior national team per the contract binding the two parties.

Snippets obtained from the contract indicates that the coach has not breached any of the clauses that will warrant for his sack from the position he officially assumed on February 1, 2011.

Interestingly, there is no performance clause enshrined in the contract, which clearly means that the country’s football governing body cannot dispense of the services of the Serb using the performance of the Black Stars at the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations as the measuring rod.

The contract also remains dumb on the much-talked about compensation for Stevanovic should the GFA opt out of the supposed two-year marriage.

Media reports have pegged a 360,000 Euros package, amounting to a payoff of the remainder of salary for the remaining one year left on the contract as compensation for the former Partizan Belgrade coach though the six-page contract made no provision for any such thing.

According to article 9 of the contract titled, ‘termination', the GFA can only part ways with the 45-year old without compensation and without prior notice based on only two conditions and GNA Sports can confirm the Serb has yet to violate either.

It reads, “The Association may terminate the Coach’s employment without any compensation and without prior notice where the coach is found liable by any competent authority for an offence involving dishonesty, possession, use or application of illegal or prohibited drugs or substances.

“….found by any international football association to have behaved in such manner that the continuous employment of the coach is likely to bring the Association in public ridicule, dishonor or contempt.”.

In addition, Article 9.3.2 states "that termination may arise in the event of a fundamental breach of contract occasioned by “refusal or failure of the coach to act in accordance with his obligations under this agreement as directed by the association.

“Refusal or failure by the Association to pay the remuneration due the coach on the date on which it is due and breach of the coach’s obligations as to confidentiality.”

The concluding part borders on the fact that either party shall notify the injured party in the event of a breach of any of the terms in the contract within an ‘unspecified’ period of time before termination.

Till this moment, the GFA has yet to complain of some actions of Stevanovic which equates a breach, and it is likely they would opt for Article 10 which talks about settlement of disputes if they decide to show him the door.

“The parties shall endeavour in all cases to settle any disputes and misunderstandings which may arise in connection with this agreement amicably.

“Where amicable settlement of any dispute arising from this agreement cannot be reached, the parties shall refer the matter to FIFA for determination.”

After a vigorous digestion of the contract, the Serbian could pocket a huge pay off should the GFA axe him.

The GFA says it will meet the under-fire Coach who was unable to deliver Ghana a Nations Cup trophy after a three decade wait during the biannual meeting in Gabon and Equatorial Guinea on Tuesday before communicating his fate and future with the Black Stars.