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Soccer News of Wednesday, 10 July 2002

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GFA To Make Regional Association's Offices Resourceful

The Ghana football Association (GFA) is to restructure its regional associations to make them more resourceful to tackle issues that fall within their domain.

Mr Kofi Nsiah, GFA General Secretary told the GNA in Accra on Tuesday that the association is worried about the number of complaints that are sent from the regions to Accra. He said, "we need to do something about this situation".

He noted that if the regional associations (RAF) were well resourced and empowered, there would be less pressure on the Accra office.

Subsequently, the GFA is met all RAFs in Accra yesterday to deliberate on the way forward.

Among the issues discussed were the restructuring process, the five-year development plan of the GFA, the premier and division one leagues and the role clubs can play in the ticketing problem.