Sports News of Saturday, 9 September 2023


George Afriyie files an appeal against disqualification from contesting for GFA presidential election

George AfriyieGeorge Afriyie

Former Ghana Football Association vice president, George Afriyie, has implored the GFA Elections Committee to revisit their decision to disqualify him from the upcoming elections.

According to Joy Sports, Mr. Afriyie has filed an appeal and will file further particulars on Monday 11th September, 2023.

Afriyie, a seasoned figure in Ghanaian football, contends that the ruling undermines the democratic principles upon which the association is founded.

His passionate appeal comes amidst a backdrop of heightened anticipation for a fair and competitive election process, with stakeholders closely monitoring developments in this pivotal moment for Ghanaian football.

Mr. Afriyie believes the Committee erred in its interpretation of the legislation governing eligibility to run for the GFA presidency, as well as in its application of articles 8(3) of the GFA Regulations on Elections and 13(2)(j) of the GFA Statutes 2019.

Mr. Afriyie accused the committee of violating Natural Justice and Fair Hearing when it ignored, failed, and refused to apply Article 8(3).