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Sports News of Wednesday, 8 February 2023


Ghana's Umar Mohammed joins Finnish club Ilves

Mohammed Umar Mohammed Umar

Mohammed Umar, a 20-year-old Ghanaian striker, has agreed to a 1-and-a-half-year contract with Finnish club Ilves.

The youngster trained with the club while at Ilves last summer. He returned to the team's training squad in January, and with the contract now in place, he will play for the team at least this season.

Toni Hevonkorpi, Ilves' sports director after Umar signed his contract stated that he performed well in training and has a positive attitude.

"Umar is a physically strong player who has the potential to develop into an excellent player. He has performed well in training and as long as he gets used to a new country, culture and a different way of playing football, we believe that he will be a lot of fun for us. Adaptation will certainly take some time, but he has had a very positive attitude in traffic and he is clearly willing to learn and develop," Toni Hevonkorpi said.

"With Umari's contract, the building of the team is progressing as planned. At the moment, we are still looking for one striker and one attacker from outside our own organization. Once those players have been found, we will examine the need for possible other reinforcement needs, Hevonkorpi continues on the team's situation," he added.