Sports Features of Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Source: Raymond Yeboah

Ghana will regret ever taken Kwasi Appiah to the World Cup

As a country, we hate fact and truth, patriotic obsession, has been our problem of failure in the game of football. The work of local coach, in terms of world cup for an African team, can never be succeeded. l cant dispute the fact that, there is always a first time but, that notion of upset is not the habit of the World cup.

That's why Ghana in the records, has not been able to beat any world cup wining team at the tournament before. All the African teams that have reached the higher stages at the tournament ,the likes of Cameroon, Senegal and even Ghana had an expatriate coaches so, given a world cup mantle to a local coach like, Kwasi Appiah, just because he had qualified us to the mundial is unfortunate.

Apart from an African team, Kwasi Appiah, has not been able to beat any other foreign team in any game since he took over the Black stars job.

l do agree,that warm up matches are some times not competitive in nature,it some how,also put the team in a fear and favorite classified class.For the last two Black stars friendly matches under ,Appiah,the problem of not changing a game to his favor, when the going gets tough for the team,is still in existence,bad defensive technique is also his problem.Look at, how quick Black stars now a days concede a goal in the last 2 friendly match they have played against Montenegro and Netherlands.Just recently,Appiah, came to denied the fact that,none of his players are injured prone, but l thank God,Netherlands friendly match exposed him,l didn't see any hard tackles from our opponents, but these three players got injured in the process Schlupp....Accam and Akaminko. Appiah, doesn't learn, if Ghana doesn't take care, indiscipline and unnecessary fouls on the field would attract more red card at the world cup.l witnessed, such incident of bad tackling and unpardonable fouls against Montenegro and this, same habit repeated itself against the Netherlands , Arjen Robben reacted profusely on that,if this is done to Ronaldo or any of the other players at the world cup, no referee would stoop so low to let it go. Kwasi,should educate his defenders else , l foresee a disastrous tournament for Ghana and l don't think if such petty petty technical mistake is not resolved, Ghana will progress from the group stage.

l am done,