Soccer News of Saturday, 12 July 2003

Source: soccerExpress

Grunsah Demands 100m From Kotoko

Alhaji Karim Grunsah's King Faisal FC is demanding an amount of 100 million being a debt owed by Kotoko over the complicated transfer deal involving Yusif Chibsah, Abass Inusah and Godwin Ablordey.

Grunsah says he is upset by the way Kotoko have refused to honour their side of the agreement almost two months after the payment was due.

Even more intriguing is the fact that Grunsah is accusing his Managing Director, George Amoako of having an open bias in favour of Kotoko hence his failure to retrieve the money.

Amoako who is the immediate past Director of Finance of Kotoko however denies Grunsah's accusations and says he has refused to make public details of the matter for the simple reason that there should be no tension between Kotoko and King Faisal in Kumasi.

Explaining matters to the Soccer Express yesterday Amoako said when it became evident that negotiations between King Faisal Chairman, Alhaji Grunsah and Kotoko over the transfer of Yusif Chibsah had stalled and was thus creating unusual tension in Kumasi, he counselled Grunsah to allow Herbert to intervene in the negotiations to ease the tension that was gradually building up in

Kumasi in the run up to the commencement of the 2003 league season.

Amoako said after the initial ground-breaking meeting involving himself and Herbert on the one part and Kotoko IMC Chairman, Sylvester Mensah and Kennedy Agyepong on the other part, the two parties nominated Amoako and IMC Vice Chairman, Nana Yaw Owusu to finalise negotiations.

According to the King Faisal MD after a lengthy meeting with Nana Yaw Owusu on the eve of Kotoko's first league match against Real Tamale United, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the two parties for the transfer of Yusif Chibsah to Kotoko.

The highlights of the deal was that Kotoko was to pay an amount of 120 million plus the services of Abass Inusah. King Faisal also agreed to purchase Godwin Ablordey for an amount of 50 million. The outstanding issue of Frank Osei's transfer was also thrashed out at the meeting.

Amoako said Kotoko was made aware of an amount of 30 million it owed King Faisal for the transfer of Frank Osei to King Faisal in 2002 and after having explained that only 20 million cedis of the amount had been paid to King Faisal, it was agreed that that amount should be added to what was owed King Faisal hence the figure of 100 million cedis. By adding 30 million cedis to the 120 million already owed Faisal for Chibsah and subtracting the 50 million Faisal owed Kotoko for Ablordey Kotoko were left with a 100 million bill.

The Faisal MD said since the memorandum of understanding was initialled by himself and the Kotoko IMC Vice Chairman, there had been clear signals that Kotoko was not ready to abide by their side of the bargain even though the document stated that Kotoko was to pay the amount of 100 million by May 15, 2003. He said a cheque for 50 million which was issued to Faisal on June 6, 2003 was returned because of an irregularity and the Porcupine Warriors had since refused to respond to Faisal's entreaties to pay up.

Amoako said it was unfortunate that an atmosphere of rancour and bitterness is welling up between Kotoko and King Faisal as a result of the failure of Kotoko to make good its side of the bargain and prayed that Kotoko will react positively to close the chapter on the unfortunate Chibsah saga.