Soccer News of Monday, 5 October 2009

Source: GHP

Gun Shots At Red Bull Soccer Academy.

But for the grace of God and the timely intervention of the police on Friday prevented irate youths from lynching three Europeans at Red Bull Soccer Academy.

The youths numbering two hundred clad in red and chanting war songs ‘’We want our land back, The three whites must go, Do not infest our young girls with the aids virus etc’’ demanded Herman Kern , the General Manager, Hans Peter Schaller ,Technical Director both Austrians and Daniel Heidemann a German be released to them. The security at the academy refused the request which generated hot verbal exchanges .The youth had barely begun breaking the main gate when a team of police personnel from Sogakope arrived . After initially having it hectic to calm them, the police fired at least fifteen gunshots before dispersing the youths.

On seeing the police ,the three expatriates who were visibly shaken fled the town to unknown destination.The group leader Awuku Nukpenu ,the Dumega of Sogakope who was earlier arrested but later released accused the police of unprofessional conduct and taking sides and has called on the government to compell the district police command to account for the precious bullets they wasted in the gunshots..

‘’We are not going back down on our demands,we will fight till the right thing is done and that is, we want full implementation of the project agreement.The three whites must leave our land in peace because they have no respect for blacks’’ he concluded.

It would be recalled news about the three expatriates had been in the print and electronic media for sometime now with scaring accusations like sleeping with young girls in the academy, arbitrary dismissal of players and workers, racism, exploitation and insults like foolish Africans etc which compelled the chiefs and opinion leaders to petition authorities about their heinous crimes.

When contacted for reactions, the three whites accused the youths and especially ewes as people who have delight in creating confusion and causing troubles. ‘’We are very surprised but that is the nature of people we are living with .They are terrible people who by nature hate development , very conservative and primitive in thinking. With all the governments take a look at their towns and you would understand them .We would first make a report to Austria and we would know the next line of action ‘’ Peter Schaller spokesperson revealed.