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Soccer News of Friday, 4 March 2016

Source: Daily Guide

Kenpong calls for support from Kotoko fans

Kennedy Agyapong aka Kenpong Kennedy Agyapong aka Kenpong

Kenpong Group of Companies president, Kennedy Agyapong (Kenpong) is calling on Asante Kotoko faithful to remain resolute behind the club despite its poor start of the league.

Kotoko begun the 2016/17 league campaign on a wrong footing, losing 0-2 to WAFA at Sogakope few weeks ago.

The Sogakope results generated argument at the supporters’ front, with some calling for the head of the club's General Manager, Opoku Nti.

But the former board member of the Porcupine Warriors has said it is early yet to call for the chairman’s head.

Speaking at the Kotoka International Airport on his way to Burkina Faso, he bemoaned how the supporters’ front has failed to support the club financially, yet expect so much from the club.

"Giving the club to a business man or someone who is rich will not solve the club's problem.
" If the fans fail to support the businessman by paying their monthly dues, and Nana, the owner of the team requests for accounts that same businessman will say the Club rather owes him (Business man).

"Am urging all fans of Kotoko to go the Baba Yara Stadium in their numbers on Sunday for the Medeama game. It is the club’s first home game and we should win convincingly"

To him, if the club's teeming fans should contribute GH¢5 per month, it will help the club a great deal in many aspects.

He said in an interview that "It is too early for the fans to call for Opoku Nti's head, we just lost to WAFA, and I can say the tall injury list could be a factor for the loss.”

"When I was a board member, you hardly see the big men pay for matches. They always request for VIP tickets for free. We shouldn't encourage that practice, VIP tickets should be sold”.

"Elsewhere where football has developed, the big men pay for matches and that helps in the club’s income generation.”

"'We shouldn't lose sight of the fact that Opoku Nti is not on his own, he operates on the instructions of the board.”

"He has managed to buy some of the finest players in the country so let's be patient with him. I heard from some quarters that Opoku is not a businessman so he should be stripped of his post. They shouldn’t forget Nana hasn’t dissolved the Board yet.

"It's a club we all love but we shouldn't pay lip service only, let's all support and stop the unnecessary criticism, Nti is an honest man, having walked with him for sometime.”

He added that “I am told that those who come in the name of supporting the club end up placing interest on whatever money they inject to the team, I don’t think it is right, we shouldn’t milk the club we claim we love.”