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Sports News of Wednesday, 26 July 2023


Kotoko will be great if new players are signed - Wilberforce Mfum

Asante Kotoko legend, Wilberforce Mfum Asante Kotoko legend, Wilberforce Mfum

Asante Kotoko legend, Wilberforce Mfum, has urged the club's authorities to recruit quality players if they intend to chalk some success in the upcoming season.

Last season was disappointing for the Porcupine Warriors as they finished fourth in the Ghana Premier League and suffered eliminations in both the CAF Champions League and the FA Cup.

Wilberforce Mfum, who was a prominent player for Kotoko in the 1960s, has emphasized the need for the current players to make way for better talents to be signed.

He believes the existing squad lacks the quality required to excel in football and thus should be replaced.

“Those who there are all rust-to-die players (Aweawufuo). They should let all of them go and sign new ones and if we want new ones, we have to get money. Otumfuo said he will give Kotoko money to start so we are looking upon him”

“Coaches will teach you but if you go on the field you have to apply your wisdom because on the pitch the coach will not be there with you.”

“Today’s players, most of them do not have a working mind, they will get clear goalscoring opportunities “Me and you” and will miss them. Let’s just be patient with the boys, Kotoko will be great,” Wilberforce Mfum said on Kessben TV.