Sports News of Sunday, 27 December 2020


Kotoko will pay Maxwell Konadu a severance package - CEO

Maxwell Konadu was sacked after a string of poor results Maxwell Konadu was sacked after a string of poor results

Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of Kumasi Asante Kotoko, Nana Yaw Amponsah says he cannot confirm whether Maxwell Konadu will return to the club again as a coach.

Reports in the local media have suggested that there have been talks underway to get the coach who was sacked after Kotoko's 0-1 defeat to Great Olympics to return to the club.

When asked in an interview on Oyerepa Fm whether he is aware he answered no and said if the board and management think he should return he will have no problem with that.

"I can't confirm that Maxwell Konadu will return to Kotoko. If in the wisdom of the board, management and all and sundry he should return, we can never say never"

He was also quizzed how much Kotoko will have to pay their former coach as a severance package and his response is his three months salary.

"Asante Kotoko will have to pay Coach Maxwell Konadu's 3 months salary if he does not return," he revealed.