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Soccer News of Friday, 29 January 2016


Kwadwo Asamoah injured again!?

Ghana midfielder Kwadwo Asamoah Ghana midfielder Kwadwo Asamoah

Ghana midfielder Kwadwo Asamoah has suffered another setback after missing training on Thursday with a muscular injury.

Asamoah suffered the injury on Wednesday when he played the entire duration in the win over Inter Milan in the Coppa Italia.

He will undergo medical checks today (Friday) to ascertain the extent of the damage on his right thigh.

A club statement confirmed his injury alongside striker Mario Mandzukic: “Kwadwo Asamoah and Mario Mandzukic were both absent from this morning’s workout after they reported muscular discomfort during yesterday’s win over the Nerazzurri.”

“The Ghanaian [right thigh] and Croatian [left calf] will undergo medical checks tomorrow to assess the full extent of their issues.”

Asamoah is a major doubt for this Sunday’s trip to Chievo Verona in the Serie A.

He has made just two Serie A starts this season as he has been frequenting the treatment room.