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Sports News of Friday, 21 June 2024


Langabel calls for dismissal of Great Olympics CEO Oloboi Commodore

Joseph Langabel Joseph Langabel

A staunch supporter of Accra Great Olympics, Joseph Langabel, has called for the dismissal of the club's Chief Executive Officer, Oloboi Commodore.

Langabel, who was very vociferous in his statements, blamed Oloboi as one of the reasons why Olympics has been demoted from the Ghana Premier League.

The staunch supporter pleaded with the club's board chair, Amarkai Amarteifio, to part ways with Oloboi Commodore or exit the club with him.

"I'm pleading with the board chairman, Amarkai Amarteifio, if he does not allow Oloboi to leave the club, he himself will leave the club," Langabel stated in an interview.

Langabel argued that Olympics would have been in a better place if the club's shares had been floated for investors to come on board.

"The people who formed Olympics have all died, but the club is still in existence. If Amarkai Amarteifio says he can't sack Oloboi, then they both have to leave because we have people who want to buy the shares," he stated.

Great Olympics were relegated from the Ghana Premier League on the final day of the 2023/24 season after placing 16th with 44 points.