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Soccer News of Friday, 6 August 2004

Source: GNA

Larson advocates stronger management/supporters relations

Kumasi, Aug 6, GNA - Major Yaw Larson (rtd), Chief Executive Officer of Kumasi Asante Kotoko football club has called for a stronger management and supporters relationship to make the team reclaim its former glory.

He said that much as Kotoko prides itself as one of the most popular clubs in Africa, a lot more still needs to be done to sustain its glory.

Major Larson said this at a rally in Kumasi organised by the Board to interact with the Management and supporters of the club to strategise towards the team's participation in the Confederation Cup. The meeting was also to iron out some disagreements and differences between the management, circles council and the playing body.

"We cannot call ourselves the greatest club if we do not have even the basic facilities to facilitate a team's development", he told the supporters.

Major Larson therefore called on the supporters to rally solidly behind the management in its bid to acquire the team's own clubhouse, secretariat and stadium within the shortest possible time.

Mr Kwabena Kesse, alias 'Kessben', a Board member, urged the Circles Council to impress upon the supporters on the need to contribute meaningfully towards the team's financial base so as to fulfil its aim of reaching the finals of the Confederation Cup.

He, however, cautioned the supporters to desist from attacking personalities when the going gets tough for the team in crucial matches, pointing out that such attacks rather hinder the progress of the team. Mr Kwame Owusu Donkor, Ashanti Regional First Vice-Chairman of the Circles Council pledged the unflinching support of the circles to the management in all its activities.

Mr Maxwell Kofi Jumah, Kumasi Metropolitan Chief Executive advised the supporters to desist from acts of hooliganism, which he said goes to tarnish the image and reputation of the club.

Joe Hendricks, captain of the club asked the supporters to be wary of comments they made on the field of play since such comments could lower the aspirations of the players in their effort to bring laurels to the team.