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Sports News of Friday, 16 June 2023


MTN FA Cup final: Referee Nii-Coffie Gideon to handle Dreams FC v King Faisal game

Dreams FC and King Faisal to play MTN FA cup finals Dreams FC and King Faisal to play MTN FA cup finals

The Referees Appointment Committee of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) has announced the selected match officials for this season’s MTN FA Cup.

The final between Dreams FC and King Faisal will be handled by referee Nii-Coffie Gideon.

“The Referees Appointment Committee has named Nii-Cofie as Centre referee for the MTN FA Cup final between Dreams FC and King Faisal FC.

“He will be assisted by Kofi Nyarko Bekai (Assistant I) and Mikaal-il Fauzan (Assistant II) with Maxwell Hanson as the 4th official,” parts of a communique from the Ghana FA said on Thursday, June 15.

The finals of the 2022/23 MTN FA Cup final between Dreams Football Club and King Faisal will be played at the Dr. Kwame Kyei Sports Complex on Sunday, June 18.

The highly-anticipated encounter will kick off at 4pm and will be broadcast live on StarTimes Adepa channel 247.

The winner will represent Ghana in the CAF Confederation Cup next season.