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Sports News of Saturday, 25 February 2023


Make your stadium safer for fans to restore confidence in supporters – Deputy Sports Minister

Deputy Sports Minister, Evans Opoku Bobie Deputy Sports Minister, Evans Opoku Bobie

The Deputy Minister for Youth and Sports, Hon. Evans Opoku Bobie has made some recommendations on how clubs can address low stadia attendance in the local league.

Speaking at the dialogue series on sports organized by Asempa FM on Friday, he proposed that clubs should consider introducing free internet connectivity at their match venues.

He also stressed that if clubs can make their stadia safer for supporters, it will give fans the confidence to go and watch when there is a football match.

“Football is a great venture that helps the economic growth of the nation.

“We need to consider introducing free internet connectivity at the various match venues to draw more people to the stadium.

“In order to restore confidence to the spectator and the fan, we must ensure the safety and security of the various match venues,” Hon. Evans Opoku Bobie said.

The Deputy Sports Minister joined several football stakeholders including Ghana FA president Kurt Okraku to discuss how to address low stadia attendance on Friday.