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Soccer News of Saturday, 6 August 2016


Michael Osei not matured to lead Kotoko - Patrick Ofori

Michael Osei - Asante Kotoko Head Coach Michael Osei - Asante Kotoko Head Coach

Dr. Patrick Ofori, former psychologist of Kumasi Asante Kotoko has insisted that the acting head coach of the club Michael Osei lacks emotional maturity to lead the club as a substantive coach.

Many have advocated that the former New Edubiase assistant trainer be confirmed as a substantive coach following the departure of David Duncan.

But with recent reports that Michael Osei wept after his side’s 4-1 thrashing by Ebusua Dwarfs, being the second time he has wept after a game, the first time being in Liberia, the former psychologists says he is not ripe for the job.

Kotoko has not secured a win in the Ghana Premier League in their last four outings.

“I heard him confirm that he himself was in tears, crying and wailing in front of his players. That’s a no for any coach.”

“Because he is suppose to hold fort and show that emotional maturity and show that aspect of self-awareness.”

“I strongly believe that aside been a true supporter of the club, there is a lot of pressure on him to deliver so that he can secure the job,” he told Starr FM Sports.

Dr. Patrick Ofori, also a former Black Stars psychologist, expects Michael Osei to show more emotional maturity as the trainer of Kotoko.