Soccer News of Thursday, 24 May 2007

Source: Ghanaian Chronicle

Nania, Others Face to Face With Destiny

AFTER SERIES of sittings leading to postponements regarding the verdict of the four Division One Zone 3A and B clubs, the Disciplinary Committee (DC), is expected to present the verdict on the case today.

The four teams, Nania FC, Okwawu United, Great Mariners and Mighty Jets filed for an appeal following their demotion to Division Three, a year's ban and a ¢50million fine, who were alleged to have played fixed matches in their scramble to join the elite division.

And whether or not the pendulum of fortune will swing in their favour will depend on the verdict of the Appeals Committee today.

The Chairman of Nania FC, Abedi Pele told this reporter on telephone yesterday that he is confident the ruling will go in his favour taking into account the rules and regulations of the FA.

"I think the Judges have performed creditably so far and we hoping things will work as expected," he stated.

Abu Sodonko, Chairman of Mighty Jets on the other hand revealed that "the DC rushed with the first verdict, I think if they had exercised some kind of restraint in their judgement they would have avoided some errors that informed our actions."

For Abu, he believes the DC wanted to satisfy the public hence the harsh judgement. "Our critical examination of the GFA rules and regulations contradicts the judgement the DC handed us and this places us in a better position to come out victorious in the verdict," he added